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历史上关于专名的研究一直持续到现在。Researching proper names is still continuing now.

对专名、姓氏用字也作必要说明。The book also explains some technical terms and surnames when needed.

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专名问题及指称问题是语言哲学的基本问题。Proper name and reference are two basic concerns in the philosophy of language.

中药材名称属于专名,在名词中占有很大的比例。Chinese herbal names belong to professionals, and in terms of a large proportion.

传统逻辑中专名和限定摹状词都是单独概念,在谓词逻辑中则被称为个体词。By predicate logic, the solution is set up and the process of analysis is provided.

中文姓名翻译是属于专名实体翻译中的一种特殊案例。Chinese name translation is a special case of the problem of named entity translation.

罗素一生著述甚丰,更以观点的多变著称,在对专名的看法上亦是如此。Russell is well-known as having a substantial writing life, but also ever-changing views.

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对大汉语圈而言,要区分专名、科技术语和普通语词三种范围的多译名,分别对待。In the big mandarin area, we should differentiate proper noun, technical terms and common words.

本部分浅析浅析了他关于专名、概念词、句子、从句的意义与意谓。This part analyzes the sense and references of his proper name, concept phrase, sentence and clause.

人名词语属于专名词语,人名词语的意义与普通名词相比,有着自身的特点。Name words as a kind of Proper noun have its own characteristics compared with common nouns in meaning.

通名和专名是壮语地名词汇系统的重要内容。Both the general names and the proper names are the important parts of the Zhuang geograpnical names system.

虽然受到弗雷格一定的影响,但是在对专名的看法上却离开了陈腐的研究路径。Although a certain impact on Frege, Russell has left the well-worn research path in the theory of proper names.

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与摹状词及专名研究相比,指示语研究显得相对薄弱和滞后。However, the research of deictic words has fallen behind the research of proper names and definite descriptions.

专名的指称与涵义一直是语言哲学和语义学所探讨的问题。The sense and reference of proper nouns is an issue that has been addressed by linguistic philosophy and semantics.

带专名的英语习语是指含有人名、地名等专有名词的英语习语。The proper noun idiom is the kind of idiom that includes proper noun such as a person's name or the name of a place.

施事可以是专名、不定的名词词组、非生物性名词词组,同样也可以是动名词和从句。Agents can not only be proper nouns, indefinite noun phrases, unanimated noun phrases, but also be gerunds and clauses.

用国家名称作为国际海域名称的专名或专名的一部分,有时容易引起周围相关国家之间的争议。The use of national names for international bodies of water sometimes may cause contentions between neighboring countries.

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中国文献、媒体译介日本人名、地名等专名时,用的是形译法。In Chinese documents and media, the way to translate Japanese proper nouns into Chinese is often a pictographic translation.

专名对应于亲知的简单事物,对事物的分析则是沿着逻辑原子主义的思路进行的。A proper name is corresponding to a simple object, and the analysis to things is carried out under the method of logic atomism.

在此基础上,本文对广州住宅楼盘命名中在通名和专名的选择使用方面存在的一些问题进行了分析和评论。On this basis, the paper analyzes some problems existing in the selection and application of some generic names and specific names.