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这是一个法律淡泊的国家。This is an outlaw country.

搞学问的人是淡泊之人。Men of learning axe plain men.

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真人淡泊无为,独于天地共存。In reality life, alone in the world of coexistence.

天生就坚忍淡泊的他更是将写作变成了另外一个自我。Added to innate stoicism he also made writing his other self.

基蒂一家清心寡欲,淡泊金钱与权力。Kitty's family was unworldly, unimpressed by power, or money.

⊙、生活只有经得起平静,方才能显淡泊宁静的真实。Life only withstand calm, can show the true of those quieter.

我们也要淡泊知足,不要有不舍之心。We also indifferent to contentment, not with sadness of heart.

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不爱的时候,心情最为平静,心态最为平稳,性情最为淡泊,与他人最好相处。When you are single, your mindset is the most placid and calm.

笑对人生是淡泊一切的孜孜追求。Laughter is indifferent to everything in life to pursue diligently.

淡泊的世界如同清水,淡泊的人生向往清和。Indifferent to the world as water, indifferent to life longing Wenbo.

过淡泊宁静的生活,是许多人不愿意的。Many people wouldn't live a peaceful life and seek no fame or wealth.

生活得淡泊不一定非要住小屋、种豆子不可。The simple life is not necessarily living in a cabin, cultivating beans.

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中华民族多数是性情中正和平、淡泊、朴实,比西方人容易满足。In comparison with western people, the Chinese people are easily satisfied.

我也要奋斗了,拼搏了,为的是追求那淡泊的宁静。I would also struggle, and struggle, and for the pursuit of those stoic, quiet.

思颍是对宦海风波、现实无奈的远离,对宁静淡泊而又自由稳定的精神家园的寻找。His nostalgia for Yingzhou is isolation from reality and Search for free spiritual home.

黄昏将至,天边少了夏日晚霞的装饰,有的是它秋日该有的淡泊宁静。As dusk approached, you little summer sunset decoration, some is it fall the tranquility.

纵观目前中小学语文课堂,学生的“问题意识”淡泊。Generally, students'problem consciousness is weak in current junior or senior Chinese class.

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林散之是一位饱学诗人,也是一位重情、淡泊、耿直、幽默、自信、悲悯的书法家。Lin Sanzhi is a learned poet as well as a straightforward, humorous and confident calligrapher.

而道家把心灵的宁静、淡泊与自由,看得比其他的一切都更为重要。Taoists place the spiritual quietness, cleanness and freedom on the first priority over everything.

锦时,对于安来说,锦时究竟是过往的冷静孤寂还是如今的洗练淡泊呢?Jin, when, for an example, Kam Is it cool when the lonely, or being indifferent to today's Xilian do?