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这第2球让我们吃下了定心丸。That calmed us down, that second goal.

它将是广大人民的定心丸。It's to bring certainty for our people.

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这场胜利让全队吃了一颗定心丸。The victory let the team take a reassurance.

这将成为中印关系正常化的定心丸。This will be a stabilizing force in Indian-Chinese relations.

他向他的“导航,领航和飞行控制员”麦克·塞洛芬咨询,寻求定心丸。He asked for reassurance from his "guidance, navigation, and control" man, Mike Sarafin.

他在那段时间的表现给广大紧张兮兮的投资者吃了一颗大大的定心丸。His performance during that time provides a heavy dose of reassurance for nervous investors. Mr.

埃辛在周二代表加纳的90分钟的比赛表现给蓝军吃了一颗定心丸。Michael Essien handed Chelsea a fitness tonic by playing90 minutes for Ghana on Tuesday evening.

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根据当地最低工资情况,将规定缴费基数的最高限额,这让一些企业吃了一颗定心丸。Some businesses have been reassured by the fact that payments will be capped based on the local minimum wage.

因此,这份内部调查结果的出台,同时也会给SEC吃颗定心丸。Because of this, the results of an internal investigation into the introduction, but for the SEC to eat surprise announcement.

这或给金正日吃下一剂定心丸,因为他知道日韩两国不太可能阻止中国政府对朝的支援。This could reassure Kim because he would know that the two regional powers are not likely to block the aid pledged by Beijing.

在1997年、1998年亚洲金融风暴的时候,中国人民币汇率并没有放开,给亚洲地区吃了一颗定心丸。We recall that during the Asian financial crisis in 1997-1998, China was quite a reassuring force for Asia by not devaluing the RMB.

男人可以告诉女人,自己有多爱她,这是一剂定心丸,女人会觉得亲密时刻男人与自己情欲合一。A man could tell his woman how much he loves her, which acts as a reassurance that he is with her mentally during those intimate moments.

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尽管雅加达2009年7月发生了两起酒店爆炸事件,但政府采取的反恐措施让商界吃了定心丸。Despite the bombings of two Jakarta hotels in July of 2009, government efforts to prevent terrorism have reassured the business community.

至于是否能够购买支持,我认为这为客户提供了不错的定心丸,还可以保证开源产品的长期生命力。As for being able to purchase support, I think that provides a nice comfort level, and can help ensure the long-term viability of the project.

蓝军还有一点小麻烦就是巴拉克的伤,但是埃辛在周二国家队的表现给老穆吃了一颗定心丸。Blues also have fitness concerns over Michael Ballack, but Essien moved to ease Mourinho's problems by turning out for his country on Tuesday.

这种顾虑是我们同意前往中国前必须克服的最后一道思想障碍,我妻子白佩琪的新上司给了我们一颗定心丸。This was the final mental hurdle we had to clear before agreeing to the move, and Rebecca's boss-to-be eased the way by offering an escape hatch.

压力测试必须给金融市场下颗定心丸,保证银行不公会在最可能发生的危情中幸存,还能在没那么可能但是依然会发生的危机中幸存。They have to reassure markets that banks will survive not just the most likely of scenarios but also slightly less likely but still possible ones.

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现有土地承包关系保持稳定并长久不变,给农民吃长效“定心丸”。The existing land contracting relations maintain stable and long-time invariable, eats the persistent effect to the farmer "the reassuring medicine".

可悲的是,南非地球之友相信,尽管各个城市大派定心丸,却没有什么措施可以减少碳足迹。Sadly, Friends of the Earth South Africa believes nothing can be done to lessen the carbon footprint, despite the reassurances made by the various cities.

唯一的长期解决方案是发行一种新型债券,由欧元区17个国家一起担保,这将保证欧元的存续,给市场吃下定心丸。The only long-term solution, the fix that would calm markets by assuring the euro's survival, is a new type of securities backed by all 17 countries in the eurozone.