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一个能同步的文件夹。A folder that syncs.

同步所有节点。Synchronize all nodes.

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重新同步镜像。Resynchronize the mirrors.

下次执行备份同步。Next HotSync will be backup.

现在重新同步你的iOS硬件。Now re-sync your iOS device.

同步还是异步?Synchronous or asynchronous?

下次执行恢复同步。Next HotSync will be restore.

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同步时的特殊行为。Special behavior during HotSync.

垂直同步?。VSYNC? Vertical SYNChronization?

减数分裂同步率较高。The meiosis is highly synchronous.

这与你们的阅读内容同步This parallels what you're reading.

更妙的是,新增无线PC同步Even Better, Add Wireless PC Syncing

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下次执行普通同步。Next HotSync will be normal HotSync.

这就是所谓的同步化过程。This is the synchronization process.

三电平同步正好满足了这个要求。Tri-level sync met the requirements.

它们是同步还是异步的?Are they synchronous or asynchronous?

但是同步眨眼呢?But what about synchronized blinking?

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基于优先级的同步队列Priority-based synchronization queues

但是我们却没有和环境同步演化But we're mismatched with environment.

下次同步会从手持设备复制数据到PC。Next HotSync will copy Handheld to PC.