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神不愿意我们困于交差的光景。God does not want us feeling stuck with a JOB.

你要在你最早方便的时间把工作交差。You have to turn in your work at your earliest convenience.

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除了这个项目,我们还要其它两个项目要交差了。Apart from this project, we have another two to meet the deadline.

在这里它见你只要24个元素,便欣然交差。And here it sees you just want the first 24 elements and it gladly obliges.

地理上的南极点是地球自转轴线与表面的交差处。The Geographic South Pole is where Earth's axis of rotation intersects its surface.

她总是急急忙忙赶着按时交差,而客户们总是变更他们的要求。She is always rushing to meet deadlines and customers keep changing their requirements.

那些设计时就敷衍交差了事的车辆将最终为市场所淘汰。Ultimately, vehicles halfheartedly designed to meet a mandate would fail in the marketplace.

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福特一声令下,不论花多少时间,做到交差为止!Ford commanded, "And stay on the job until you succeed, no matter how much time is required."

拟合实验交差函数是分解叠加地球化学场的关键。Fit of experimental variogram with double structures is the key for partition of complex geochemical field.

“动手做。”福特一声令下,“不论花多少时间,做到交差为止!"Go ahead, " Ford commanded, "and stay on the job until you succeed, no matter how much time is required. "

从亚历山大帝到圣经中的使徒保罗,马其顿一直处于文明的交差口。From Alexander the Great to the Apostle Paul of the Bible, Macedonia has been at the crossroads of civilization.

卫生署相信,今次食物中毒是与生熟食物交差污染有关。Health Department officials say the food poisoning was related to cross contamination of cooked and uncooked food.

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试想,并非专业歌手出身的明星,要在“载舞”的同时一边“载歌”,不假唱如何能交差?Think about it, how can a popular star, who is not a professional singer, sing beautifully while dancing hotly if without the lip-synching?

建筑工人只好动员家中二老,到河滩去摸鹅卵石,然后全家一起把石头锤成葡萄大小的碎石,拿去交差。The construction worker enlisted his elderly parents to scour creek beds and fields for rocks that the family smashed by hand into grape-size stones.

理好金蚕衣后,王俊带着二妹向四喜交差,四喜又说他做想一个蜂窝模子,需要他的帮忙。After good gold silkworm clothing, wang junwork to four like a job with a second sister, four xi said he was doing to a honeycomb mold, need his help.

当我问出写报告所需要的足够材料后,你可以把犯人带回纽约,这样我俩都能交差了。I'll even stay out of it. When I have enough information to write up my report, you can take the prisoner back to New York City and we've both covered our asses.

紧急救援!鄙人需要一份大约10000字的给水方面的英文资料,翻译了要交差,越快越好。谢谢!SOS! ! ! I need a piece of English article on water supply , appropriately 10000 words, it should be translated as asignment, pass me as soon as possible! Thank you !

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廖医生表示受病菌感染的鸡场并无饲养鸭鹅。不然可能引致交差感染,酿成可能致命的禽流感病菌H5N1。Dr Liu said that the affected farm did not keep ducks and geese, which if placed with chickens could cause cross-infection and produce the potentially deadly bird flu H5N1.

第三位辩士将被允许对于对方辩士进行三分钟交差质询,被质询者必须以简洁有力的回答支持该队立场。The third speaker from each team will then be allowed three minutes to cross -examine her counterpart on the opposing team, who must defend her team's position with brief and direct replies.

齐铁嘴让之前刺杀时怀婵的随从捧着一个木盒,假装是装着时怀婵的头颅,然后按约定时间去找护法交差。JiTie mouth to kill when pregnant before the chan after holding a wooden box, pretending to be a pretend when pregnant chans head, and then press the custodian of the agreed time to find a job.