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他们进行了一场苦斗。They fought a hard fight.

自觉不幸福的人,生命成了苦斗的战场。For those who are not, life is to fight a battle.

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卡佩罗感觉到苦斗的米纳尔面临的困难,派上肖恩·赖特-菲利普斯。Capello, sensing trouble ahead with the struggling Milner, sent on Shaun Wright-Phillips.

最后——最该强调的,我究竟做了些什么,使生活成了无休止的苦斗?Finally—and most emphatically —What had I done to deserve a life of such continuing struggle?

我们用一种近乎友爱的语言交谈,就象经过苦斗的老战友最后重逢一样。We spoke to each other in nearly affectionate terms, like veterans of bitter battles at a last reunion.

欧冠八分之一决赛就在眼前,尤文的状态非常好,但同切尔西的比赛势必会是一场苦斗。Juve are in good form going towards the Champions League second round clash, but opponents Chelsea are struggling.

英雄主义和悲剧意识这两种思想意识在昌耀诗歌中既相分离又相融合,统一在昌耀悲壮的苦斗精神中。The heroic spirit and tragedy consciousness both mutually sever and mix together, unified in the moving and tragic hard-working spirit.

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森林狼出其不意地和湖人苦斗了很长时间,半场时将比分咬在56-54。然而,湖人最终得以脱身,以104-92胜出。The Timberwolves hung around for a surprisingly long time, trailing at halftime, 56-54. The Lakers, however, pulled away and won, 104-92.

一切的奋战和苦斗都来自狭小的心灵,所以营造正确的环境,能够帮助达到真正的禅定。All effort and struggle come from not being spacious, and so creating that right environment is vital for your meditation truly to happen.

他们穿过了意大利大陆。德国苦斗。并在一段时间,他们防止盟军从沿海地区突破了部队。They crossed to the Italian mainland. The Germans fought hard. And for some time, they prevented the allied troops from breaking out of the coastal areas.

私有房主“可购性和稳定性计划”仍是帮助苦斗的房主们偿还贷款最大的努力结果。The homeowner of for debility Homeowner Affordability and disability plan Stability Plan is the biggest effort yet to help straggling struggling homeowners.

当西方诸国为重振其经济苦斗之时,全球平衡点正在向亚洲新兴经济体转移,在那里,中国居于领导地位。As Western countries struggle to revitalise their economies, the global balance is shifting towards Asia's emerging economies where China occupies the lead position.

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当西方诸国为重振其经济苦斗之时,全球平衡点正在向亚洲新兴经济体转移,在那里,中国居于领导地位。As Western countries struggle to revitalise their economies, the global balance is shifting towards Asia’s emerging economies where China occupies the lead position.

他以人道主义的温情开掘因袭传统文化的市民生活,表现出他们在与环境、时代错位的困境中为了生存的挣扎与苦斗。He went to the humanitarian warmth between traditional culture, showing the life of citizens in their environment and the dilemma of dislocation, times of struggle and hard struggle for survival.

事实上,如果我们不去苦斗、不受折磨、或不承受不幸,那么,成功会来得更容易,更迅速——为了获得成功需要你奋斗或拚搏的假设是错误的。The truth is that things happen much easier and more readily if we don’t struggle, suffer or assume unhappiness – the assumption that you need to struggle or fight for your success is a false one.

阿森纳在一场足总杯比赛苦斗2-1战胜哈德尔菲尔德,延续着他们四线出击的形势,但是这场胜利让温格的球队付出了很大的代价。Arsenal kept their four-pronged assault for silverware this season on course with a hard fought win over Huddersfield in the FA Cup, but the 2-1 victory came at a huge cost to Arsene Wenger's side.