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你看他财大气粗,就知道他是个暴发户。You can tell he is a parvenu.

涉及金额对财大气粗的通用来说不过是九牛一毛。The sums involved were small beer for a behemoth like GE.

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财大气粗的大烟草公司可以聘到最好的律师和公关公司。Big Tobacco can afford to hire the best lawyers and PR firms.

我觉得自己好像是一个财大气粗的帕齐或者是吝啬鬼。I find myself feeling like either a deep-pocketed patsy or a skinflint.

他其实是权力精英,尽管是招摇过市、财大气粗的那种。He is the power elite, albeit an ostentatiously gold-tufted version of it.

众所周知,烟草业财大气粗,狡猾无情。As we all know, the tobacco industry is ruthless, devious, rich, and powerful.

财大气粗的男人,啪地一声扔给女人一张卡,你想买什么买吧。Rich and powerful man, a snap throw women a card, buy what you want to buy a bar.

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作为一位大名鼎鼎、财大气粗客户的代表,该事务所亟需调查服务。The firm needed investigative services on behalf of a high-profile, deep-pocketed client.

他们不仅毗邻这曼城这样财大气粗的球队,而且在社区盾的比赛中也击败过曼城。Not only do they sit above Manchester City, but they also beat them in the Charity Shield.

当然,另一种解释是财大气粗有特殊利益的一些大企业。Of course, another explanation is the deep pockets some big businesses with special interests.

每一次市场的重大动荡都为那些财大气粗的买家们提供了绝好的买进机会。Any major dislocation in the market creates a buying opportunity for those with the dry powder.

为避免财大气粗的球队用高薪垄断明星球员,NBA规定了每支球队的工资总额限制。In order to avoid the rich teams with high monopoly star players, NBA provides each team's salary cap.

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那些财大气粗的电力公司主管,因为超收电费而变得十分富有。The fat cats at the electric company became rich while the average person paid too much for electricity.

当然,中国政府财大气粗,如出现任何问题,都会站出来给大银行撑腰。Of course, China's government has deep pockets and will stand behind the big banks if any problems arise.

不像大多数政治赞助商那样财大气粗,但这群特殊的后援团能为竞选提供无法用金钱买到的另一种支持。Unlike most wealthy political donors, celebrity backers can offer a candidate more than just a lot of money.

财大气粗的切尔西被认为将在今年夏天引进这位巴西国家队成员。Moneybags Chelsea are thought to have made Brazilian international Kaka their top transfer target for next summer.

而与产品销售商就折扣问题进行的商议,自然由财大气粗的微软来完成。With discounts on product sales to the deliberations of the problem, of course Caitaiqicu by Microsoft to complete.

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如果没有限制,财大气粗的球队就会轻易的得到较好的自由球员。Without a salary cap, teams with deeper pockets can simply outspend the remaining teams for the better free agents.

对于罗伯逊而言,如果说眼看着财大气粗的知名IT公司循着他多年前的足迹前进有什么益处的话,那就是扩大自身公司的知名度。If there's any benefit for Robertson in watching established tech companies following his years-old footsteps, it's exposure.

IMF的加权投票制、多数表决制和协商一致等决策规则都存在着“财大气粗”、“以富压贫”等霸权现象。IMF's weighted voting system, majority voting system and negotiation voting system are all having the problems of money hegemony.