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我上上下下打量了他一下。I looked at him up and down.

只是依然安静的看着上上下下的人。But still quiet at the rafter.

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他上上下下地打量那个求职者。He looked the applicant up and down.

他上上下下仔细地打量着这个陌生人。He looked at the stranger up and down.

他让我在椅子上上上下下。He lets me ride up and down in the chair.

自动扶梯天天送我们上上下下。The escalator wafts us up and down every day.

有人把箱子上上下下都翻过了。Someone's turned the chest out alow and aloft.

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虽然梳妆台很简单,但有很多上上下下的线条。Under the glass cover of the dressing-table was a menu.

全家上上下下都很高兴。All members of the family, old and young, are very pleased.

你家的电梯时连天带夜的“上上下下地享受”啊?Are the elevators in your home going all day and all night?

所有的蚂蚁都在上上下下、前前后后、来来回回地跑着寻找美食。All the ants raced here and there, up, down, and to and fro.

两根棒针,上上下下,牵引毛线汇成深情。Twogood shots, remittent, drawing wool collects deep feeling.

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每座山都有山顶,每个山谷都有谷底,生活就是上上下下。Every mountain has a peak. Every valley has its base. Life has.

船里上上下下的舱壁到处沾着一层油水。All over the ship the bulkheads sweated a film of oil and water.

对于这个问题,她再次请他放心,他就把她上上下下地打量了一阵。She reassured him on that point, and he surveyed her up and down.

在长途火车旅途中,人们上上下下,在车上停留一段时间。On a long train ride, people get on and off and settle for a while.

篮球滴下法院通过上上下下弹起它。The basketball is dribbled up the court by bouncing it up and down.

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避免突出你的头,它应该简单地跟随你的胸部上上下下。Avoid jutting your head, it should simply follow your chest up and down.

泰必沙太太在房间里上上下下地找,“喵喵”地叫着汤姆·基登的名字。Mrs. Tabitha went up and down all over the house, mewing for Tom Kitten.

这种热并不阻碍我享受这上上下下的悦人美景。The heat did not hinder me from enjoying the delightful scenery above and below.