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你看看这钻石一饱眼福吧。Feast your eyes on this diwoulmond.

但愿我有时间一饱眼福。I hope I have time to see them all.

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下面就让我们来一饱眼福吧。Now let's feast our eyes on the scenery.

在基茨比厄尔散散步能够使你一饱眼福。A walk around Kitzbuhel is a feast for eyes.

在西湖漫步能让你一饱眼福。A walk around the West Lake is feast for the eyes.

那个地方有许多可以一饱眼福的景致。The place abounds in sights on which the eyes may dwell with pleasure.

仅仅知道它们的存在就行了呢还是进去一饱眼福?Are we okay just knowing they exist or do we go into them and enjoy them?

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算是一饱眼福二饱口福三饱手福了。Be a real treat to see them all the second hand of the three full blessing.

精美的设计不仅可以让你一饱眼福而且激起你对美食的胃口。It will satisfy your eye for fine design as well as your appetite for fine food.

这里罗列了许多不同的设计的限量玩具,让你一饱眼福。Here lists a number of different designs of limited deition toys, Let's eyes to be enjoyed.

游客可入村“归真、访古、探幽”,一饱眼福,感悟人生。Visitors can enter the village" simplicity, Cuba, on", a feast for the eyes, perception of life.

游客可以进入位于美国瀑布谷底旁的“风穴”,观赏穴内奇景,可一饱眼福。Sightseers may enter the Cave of the Winds at the foot of the American falls and get an unusual view.

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遗憾的是,尽管该活动仅限21岁以上的成年人参加,但不能确保每位游客都能一饱眼福。Sadly -- although the tour is for over 21's only -- it is not guaranteed that every visitor will get lucky.

民族村前的潺潺溪流,会顺水推舟,引领游人到天然植物园去一饱眼福。Walk along the purling stream of the Minority Village, tourists will go to our Botanical Gargen with curiosity.

附近,马来西亚和世界各国艺术家令人印象深刻的作品可以让艺术迷们一饱眼福。Nearby , art aficionados can feast their eyes on impressive works of art by Malaysian and international artists.

接下来,让你一饱眼福,我来带领你领略一个美丽而又富饶地方的风土人情!Next, make you a feast for the eyes, I'll lead you a taste of a beautiful and rich local local customs and practices!

多年来,九老洞以它奇异的传说和复杂的地貌吸引着很多冒险者进往一饱眼福。Over the years, the old nine holes to its mythic and complex landscape attract many risk-takers into spoiled for choice.

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在上一届义博会的文艺晚会上,各国小朋友同台表演的拨浪鼓舞蹈让观众一饱眼福。The rattle dancing performed by kids world-wide gave deep impression to audience on evening party of Yiwu Fair last year.

在基茨比厄尔散步会使你一饱眼福——这里有着古老的乡村文化和国际旅游地的激情,两者生动地结合在一起。A walk around Kitzbuhel is a feast for the eyes—a lively mix old culture and the excitement of an international tourist area.

奥运比赛开始时,所有的体育迷们都在电视机前观看比赛,有的甚至亲临现场去一饱眼福。At that time all sports fans sit in front of the television sets to watch the Games. Some even go to the stadium to watch them.