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该方法在某地质勘查项目定点实验中取得成功。We got success at a tr ial of some geological item.

第二天一早直奔抚顺基督教堂进行现场勘查。However, acters doing it, you'd earn 400 gold a day.

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现场勘查中,发现了类似着袜的足迹。In spot perambulate , discovered the footmark of similar socks.

银行在抢劫案发生之前曾被匪徒彻底勘查过。The bank was carefully cased by the bandits before the robbery.

众人勘查现场,王国忠看到尸体吐了。The scene of the investigation, Wang Guozhong saw the body spit.

勘查现场,曹政发现留下的脚印是军人的。Exploration field, Cao Zheng found leave footprints is a soldier.

地质勘查工作体制现状存在哪些积弊?。What drawbacks exist now in the geological exploratory work system?

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采木过程包括勘查和砍伐。The process of purchasing and cutting included scouting and chopping.

现场勘查,在刑事执法活动中具有较强的普遍性。Crime scene investigation is a common activity in criminal enforcement.

Pope转身与勘查医务室门的一个男子交谈。Pope turns and addresses a man investigating the door to the infirmary.

在近岸石油勘查中,勘探船牵引着一个声源以及水下捡波器。In offshore prospecting a ship tows a sound source and underwater phones.

然而,由于北极已勘查地区很小,该预测并不可靠。However, with so much of the Arctic unexplored the estimates are unreliable.

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政府同意支持那些对石油勘查投资的公司。The government agreed to backstop companies that invested in oil exploration.

管波探测法是新兴的地球物理勘查方法。Tube wave detecting method is a newly developed geophysical detecting method.

这张地形图可能会帮助矿产勘查组勘测这片区域的矿含量。This map is likely to aid mineral exploration currently occurring in the area.

犯罪现场勘查是公安院校课程体系中重要的专业课程。Crime scene investigation is a major special course in public security college.

勘查与取证是打击计算机犯罪的第一步。Reconnoitring and collecting evidence is the first step to castigate such crime.

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洞穴勘查——或洞穴勘探——是一项比较新的体育活动。Cave exploration, or potholing,as it has come to be known, is a relativelynew sport.

当已获得搜查授权,CSI便会开始初步勘查犯罪现场。With a search warrant on the books, the CSI begins a walk-through of the crime scene.

勘查之后,测量员出具了这一地产的书面报告。Following an on-site inspection, the surveyor prepared a written report on the property.