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它可以滚!It rolls!

我可以去试一试。I could go.

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我可以打扫的。I can clean.

是的,你可以。Yes, you can.

您可以瞧。You can look.

这样可以吗?Can I do that?

我可以看她一眼吗?Can I see her?

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我可以做到这些!I can do this!

我可以做到这个。I can do this.

在幼儿园我可以做什么?。I can pee-pee.

我喜欢可以拣到的钱。I can pick up.

事实上是可以的。In fact it is.

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我可以做些什么?What can I do?

您可以这样做。You can do so.

你可以皱眉。You can frown.

我可以去那里看看病。I can go there.

我认为他可以。I think he can.

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只要加拨0就可以了。Just dial zero.

现在我可以煮菜了。Now I can cook.

当然可以。Sure, actually.