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计算机与我作对。The computer opposes me.

我觉得这台扫描仪老跟我作对。I suppose the scanner hates me.

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他被鼓动得与他的老板作对。He was spirited up against his boss.

这个世界在与我作对,怎么可能会这样呢?The world is against me how could that be?

实际上,我是在拿人和人作对比。Actually I am comparing humans with humans.

只是我告诉你们,不要与恶人作对。But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person.

可怜B-生活好像一直在和她作对。Poor B-the world is always ganging up on her.

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别与那个女人作对,她很危险。Do not antagonize that woman,she is dangerous.

为了故意作对而继续这样做是不对的。It would be wrong to continue out of perversity.

这些老熊们和美联储作对,结果美联储赢了。These bears had fought the Fed, and the Fed won.

那个故意与我作对的家伙让我终日不得安宁。That perverse guy has been nagging at me all day.

这些坏小子为什么来和风之城作对呢?What do the bad guys have against the Windy City?

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我说,‘不,所有司法人员已经在与我们作对。I said, ‘No, all the judiciary is already against us.

醉眼看别人成双作对。Drunk glance, setting himself against the others dual.

而和人民银行作对就是犯傻。And it would be foolish to bet against the People's Bank.

他总是让与他作对的人过不舒服。He always is concessive the person of his oppose is too sick.

我了解他是什么样的人,你和他若不并肩,就是作对。I know how he is. If you're not with him, you're against him.

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心怀怨尤,就是与上帝的计划作对。Holding grievances is the opposite of God's plan for salvation.

他是一个脾气很坏,令人讨厌的人,他的爱好就是与学生作对。He's a cantankerous, nasty man who hates students with a passion.

你可以认为整个世界都跟你作对,那对你来说也没问题。You can think that the world is against you, and you'll be right.