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他们需要看到它是如何惠及他们。They need to see how it's benefiting them.

善思想、善言、善行、惠及众人。Good thought, good words, good deeds to benefit everyone.

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项目惠及了26个国家的9000万学龄儿童。Programs reach 90 million schoolchildren in 26 countries.

我们通过惠及他人来保护我们自己的自由与繁荣。We protect our own freedom and prosperity by extending it to others.

现在的问题是,我们的教育要惠及的每一个孩子,”卢卡斯说。What's different now is we have to educate every child, " Lucas says.

有批评人士认为,这些经济收入难以惠及全部的赞比亚人民。Banda's critics complain that those revenues hardly benefit all Zambians.

姜仁惠及其家族的尘封历史开始浮出水面。Jen-Huey Chiang and his family began to emerge of the dust-laden history.

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我们必须支持可以惠及所有人的多极化经济增长。We must support the rise of multiple poles of growth that can benefit all.

“我们的目标是惠及41个国家的1.18亿学龄儿童,”Bundy表示。“We're aiming for 118 million schoolchildren in 41 countries,” Bundy says.

“如果你想惠及这个群体,你就不能让目前的情况继续下去,”她补充道。“If you want to reach this group, you can’t do more of the same,” she adds.

然而这些政策所惠及的只是一少部分由官方支持的组织。But this applies to only a small number of government-approved organisations.

迄今为止,该项目下提供的贷款已惠及了分布于印度10个邦的927家中小企业。Lending under this project has reached 927 SMEs spread across 10 Indian states.

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在接下来的20年,世纪挑战集团的合约有望惠及46万利比里亚人民。Over the next 20 years, MCC's compact is expected to benefit 460,000 Liberians.

这种疫苗惠及全球,它可保护每一名儿童避免罹患麻痹症。This vaccine is a global good that can protect every single child from paralysis.

仁人家园的救灾工作已惠及全球57892个家庭。Globally, Habitat for Humanity has served 57,892 families through disaster response work.

此合作计划将惠及两地市场的投资者,定当受到欢迎。This corporate plan will favor and two place market investor, receives welcome settledly.

在卢拉德两个任期,他的家庭计划惠及5000万巴西最贫困民众。During Lula's two terms his family plan has reached 50 million of Brazil's poorest people.

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这个政策,1977年施行以来,已惠及超过5000名跨越大西洋的Audencia的学生。This policy, launched in 1977 has seen more than 5000 Audencia students cross the Atlantic.

以学校出勤率为条件的现金转移支付在惠及这些群体方面往往很有效。Cash transfers conditioned on school attendance are often effective in reaching these groups.

迄今为止,GFRP已经惠及了六个国家中150万弱势妇女和儿童。GFRP projects to date have reached 1.5 million vulnerable women and children in six countries.