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学习会使你永远立于不败之地。Learning will make you invincible.

使您在激烈的市场竞争中,立于不败之地。So you in the fierce market competition, in an invincible position.

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制造企业应该如何在激烈的竞争环境中长久立于不败之地?。How can manufacturing company win in this tough completive environment?

这是社会主义中国永远立于不败之地的根本保证。This is the fundamental guarantee for the invincible status of socialist China.

这里有大量的资源,足以让您在竞争中立于不败之地,为您提供创新的舞台。It’s a great resource to get a leg up on your competition, and stage yourself for innovation.

他们是亲密的朋友从外地和吴某是一个球员信天翁前,他加入立于不败之地。They are close friends off the field and Oh was a player on Albatross before he joined Invincible.

移动技术领域竞争异常惨烈,只有不断创新才能立于不败之地。In the hyper-competitive world of mobile technology, you're only as good as your latest innovations.

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只有不断培养能力,提高素质,挖掘内在的潜能,才能使自己立于不败之地。Only by constantly cultivate ability, improve quality, mining, inner potential never-failed position.

企业只有通过不断挖掘价值链系统的潜力才可在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地。Only through expanding the potential of value chain system, can an enterprise not fail in competition.

我们的企业做到了“诚信”,一定能在国际竞争中立于不败之地。Our businesses to do the "good faith", will be in an invincible position in international competition.

因此,我们更需要掌握商务礼仪知识,这样才能使我们立于不败之地,拥有更广阔的未来。Therefore, we need to have knowledge of business etiquette, so can we remain invincible, with a broader future.

如何在愈发竞争的环境中立于不败之地,关系到体育院校的生存与发展。How to win in the competition situation affects survival and development for the institutes of physical education.

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这又是件助Apple在竞争中立于不败之地的利器,而且这样可以使他们的产品更加个人化。It could be one more thing that would set Apple apart from the competition and make its products even more personal.

运动员不仅要具有良好的身体素质和技战术水平,而且还要具有最佳的竞技心理状态,只有这样才能在比赛中立于不败之地。In order to win the games, the paddlers must have not only a stronger body and good skill but also the best psychology.

不论时局发展的情况如何,我们均须作持久打算,才能立于不败之地。No matter how the situation develops, we must always calculate on a long-term basis, if our position is to be invincible.

因此,在社会经济环境的不断变化中持续创新是房地产企业立于不败之地的关键之所在。So, continued creative is the key for the estate enterprise to be a winner in the mutative environment of social economy.

降低粮食自给率,进行作物种植结构调整,将使我国粮食生产立于不败之地。Chinese grain production will success in WTO if reduce the level of grain self-support and adjust crop-planting structure.

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企业要在市场经济的大潮中立于不败之地,必须加强产品市场的巩固和发展。Enterprise must strengthen the consolidation and development of product market in order to be in an unassailable position.

为了在这个竞争激烈且要求极高的社会中立于不败之地,如今的企业必须充满活力,做到及时响应。Today's businesses need to be dynamic and responsive in order to survive in this fiercely competitive and demanding world.

要想在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,抛光砖企业必须制定自己的营销战略。Succeed in the fierce competition in an invincible position, Polished enterprises must develop their own marketing strategy.