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这个怎么求解呢How do we find that?

实际上我们需要求解这个问题。Rather, we just solve them.

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纵横和字谜求解。Crossword and anagram solver.

求解未知量。Solve for the unknown quantities.

我们知道它会很难求解。We know it's going to be hard to solve.

案例推理是人工智能的一种新求解方法。Cased-Based Reasoning is a new way in AI.

这个我们可以直接求解。something we can solve for straight away.

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利用迭代法,保证求解的精度。By iterative, the accuracy can be guarantied.

我们说我们被要求解2价正离子。So, let's say we're asked for the plus two ion.

运用高斯赛德尔迭代法的约束方程式求解器。The max number of iterations to do when solving.

我们求解出了用dθ来表示的。db And, we can solve for db in terms of d theta.

在求解中考虑了与频率有关的参数。The frequency-dependent parameters are considered.

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这个函数求解一个标准的二次方程。This function solves a standard quadratic equation.

这就是逆运动学求解的过程。This is the process of untying the countrary sport.

专门用于计算机对推箱子游戏求解。Devoted to solving the computer on the Sokoban game.

对于广义超静定弯曲,采用叠加法求解。For the latter the superposition method can be used.

目前为止我们可以求解了但先放一放Now, we could just solve at this point but let's not.

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边界条件,齐次性,求解技巧。Boundary Conditions, Homogeneity, Solution Techniques.

求解时,运用了牛顿-拉普森法进行迭代求解。Then Newton-Raphson method is used in solving process.

提出了一种新的几何约束推理求解算法。A new geometric constraint solving method is presented.