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说的是改邪归正,做的是死性不改!Said is right, do not change!

她的微笑足以让任何罪人改邪归正。A smile to turn any sinner saintly.

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你相信那个坏家伙已改邪归正了吗?Do you believe that bad man has come to school?

也许宗教信仰可以使他改邪归正。Maybe religion should help to straighten him out.

如果你不改邪归正,你肯定要进监狱的。You'll find yourself in prison if you don't mend your way.

如果你不改邪归正的话,最终要进监狱的。If you don't get straightened out, you will end up in jail.

然而他一心所想,却是改邪归正,摆脱犯罪生涯。However, he thought, is right, with all my heart from crime career.

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改邪归正爸,回到社会主义才是唯一正确的路。Fixing wrong doings and returning to socialism is the only correct way!

基本上,我就是一个想要改邪归正并照看好我的孩子们的有前科之人。I'm basically just an ex-con trying to go straight and look after my kids.

七枝号代表上帝给人的警告,要我们悔罪并改邪归正。The seven trumpets are God's warning to humans to repent and change their ways.

要是瑞德事先已经尝试过的话,他就不会选择一个像现在这样困难的时来实行改邪归正了。Had he tried, Rhett could not have chosen a more difficult time to beat his way back to respectability.

大仁慈王听完话后就送钱给他们,并劝说他们改邪归正,接着就放了他们。Hearing this, the king gave them gifts of money, advised them to change their ways, and let them go free.

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如果问题员工在六到八个星期内,依然没有改邪归正,可能只能放弃他了。If the individual doesn't declare a change of heart within six to eight weeks, he's probably a lost cause.

费迪曾经杀害四条人命,现在他改邪归正、重新向善。An ex-convict who killed four men, Freddie has now given up his evil ways to learn kindness and forgiveness.

我以前经常喝酒,但是我生病了,我决定改邪归正,现在我只喝可乐。I used to drink a lot of alcohol but when I got ill, I decided to clean up my act and now I only drink cola!

或者说是因为配方婴幼儿奶粉制造商改邪归正,在出售商品时规矩了不少?Or with infant formula manufacturers, who irresponsibly peddled their products in the past but are more restrained now?

也许查理辛还没有完全出局,但是如果他希望别人再次重视他的话,那麽他就必须先改邪归正。This might not be the end of Charlie Sheen, but he'll have to clean up his act if he's ever going to be taken seriously again.

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他如果有一个有一群人好好陪伴他的大环境,相信他要改邪归正的机会就很大了。If he was in an environment where he wa surrounded by good people, I believe he would have had many opportunities to reform himself.

这产生了一个先例,同性恋者不应被送回到一个苛刻地对待他们,并希望他们能够“改邪归正”的国家。It sets the precedent that no gay man should be returned to a country which treats homosexuality harshly on the expectation they will 'act straight'.

影片表现的是一个街头混混变成一代武术家的故事,一个本性善良的黑帮流氓改邪归正的故事。What film expresses is the story that a street bludger becomes a generation martial arts house, a man"s natural character docile of black repents for rascal of story."