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我需要她待在我家里叽叽喳喳地有说有笑。I want to keep her to babble about the house.

然后,他们骑着马继续前行,跟原来那样有说有笑。Then they rode on, talking and laughing as before.

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我回头一看,他们正在有说有笑地包粽子。I looked back, they are laughing and talking to zongzi.

我们有说有笑地聊了大约十分钟。We chatted for about ten minutes, laughing and friendly.

学生们有说有笑地走进教室。The students came into the classroom laughing and talking.

你喜欢几个朋友聚在一起有说有笑吗?Do you enjoy having a few friends around talking and laughing?

别人有说有笑时她却沉默不语,显得很突出。She was remarkably silent when the others all talked and laughed.

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他们有说有笑,一边看着斯托克城和布莱克本的比赛。They were having a laugh and watching the Stoke v Blackburn game.

一群孩子有说有笑地从教室里走出来。A group of children came out of the classroom, laughing and talking.

巴比特往常总是兴冲冲地,有说有笑地下楼吃早饭。Often of a morning Babbitt came bouncing and jesting in to breakfast.

大家有说有笑,不知不觉已到了玉屏峰。Everyone talking and laughing, imperceptible already to jade screen peak.

他们有说有笑,但是,节日气氛即将结束。They're talking and laughing, but the festive mood is about to come to an end.

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我们有说有笑,声音大得十英里路外都能闻声!we talked and laughed so loud, that any body might have heard us ten miles off!

葛雷乔伊原本正有说有笑,紧接着布兰却听他倒抽一口气。Greyjoy was laughing and joking as he rode. Bran heard the breath go out of him.

假日爬山,饭后散步,我与学生三五成群,有说有笑。Mountaineering holidays, meal Walking, I with the students in small, Weishuiweixiao.

好吧,且让我们再偎紧来舒服舒服,有说有笑地回到家里去。Well, now let us be quite comfortable and snug, and talk and laugh all the way home.

他低头看了看地狱,他看见地狱的人正在下面开派对,并且有说有笑,边喝酒又边抽烟。He looks down at hell, and sees people laughing, drinking, smoking and partying down.

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在早上,我们骑自行车到郊区植树,一路上有说有笑。In the morning we bicycled to the suburbs to plant trees talking and laughing all the way.

偶们乘坐快客大巴,一路上有说有笑,导游不要停地跟偶们在开玩笑。We ride the quick guest bus, is merry all the way, the tour guide does not stop is cracking a joke with us.

昨晚我遇到初恋情人了,我们像过去一样有说有笑,可我的感觉却截然不同。I saw my first lover last night, we talked and laughed like we used to, however, I felt it is a different story.