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铺在新地板下部。Use under the new wooden floor.

“盲孔”下部衬垫能够防止泄漏。Blind-hole lower bushing prevents leakage.

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在下部还有一道被锁上的门。There is also a locked door on the bottom.

女性下部出血是因为什么?。Is because, female bottom haemorrhage what?

有用的信息在中下部。The useful information is about midway down.

劳累使她眼睛下部出现了黑圈。Fatigue brought on dark rings under her eyes.

那种莺的喉部和身体下部为白色。The warbler has a white throat and underparts.

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在体下部的被毛可能褪色或者颜色不变。It may or may not also fade out on the underbody.

下部层位夹矸厚度变化较大。The lower tonstein layer is changing in thickness.

整容外科医生将她的脸皮下部切开。The plastic surgeon undercut the skin of her cheek.

在右下部设置了1个像素的高光。It’s set to put a 1px highlight on the bottom right.

所有的燃煤都是从燃烧床的下部进入燃烧炉。All the coal is injected in the lower part of the bed.

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桃树下部的树枝由于腐朽而开始往下掉。The lower branches of the peach tree began to rot off.

轻柔的清洗牙齿、甚至牙龈的下部。Gently cleaning between teeth and even below the gumline.

凌霄长在树干的下部,攀着树干一直到顶端。Peak grow on the lower trunk, trunk up to the top Panzhuo.

关于这些食物的相关文章可在页面下部找到。Links to the articles about these foods can be found below.

雄花在幼嫩小枝的下部的叶腋里。Male flowers are in proximal leaf axil of young branchlets.

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转换梁和上、下部结构有明显的共同工作特性。Transfer girder co-works with the structures above and below.

圆锥花序分枝下部的平滑的或疏生粗糙的有棱。Panicle branches proximally smooth or sparsely scabrid angled.

短的花瓣边缘全缘或流苏状和啮蚀状下部。Petal margin entire or shortly fimbriate and erose proximally.