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那么这个质点的速度是多少How fast is this particle moving?

那只是对于一个质点而言的。Now, that is only for a point mass.

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质点会怎样运动呢"What is the fate of this particle?"

这是质点的实际运动路线It's the actual motion of the particle.

现在我们了解了关于这个质点的一切情况Now we know everything about this particle.

你们想知道这个质点的速度有多快You want to know how fast the guy is moving.

我也可以描述一个质点的纵向运动I can also describe a particle going up and down.

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这种情况下对质点所作的功是多少?What is the work done on the particle in this case?

质点绕圆一周需要多久How long does it take to go one round in this fashion?

我们目前都是在讨论匀加速运动的质点We are talking about particles of constant acceleration.

液体质点每经过一次叶片,就获得一次能量。After a liquid particles every leaf, was first on energy.

动力计算模型采用的是弯剪型串联多质点系。Dynamic calculation model was series-wound more particle.

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这个式子描述了质点的圆周运动This describes a particle that's going around in a circle.

我们拿一个只能沿着X轴运动的质点We're going to take an entity that lives along the x axis.

如果你想描述这个质点,如何从运动学角度来描述呢If you want to describe this particle, what's the kinematics?

故时质点系必处于平衡。Therefore, if , the system of particles must be in equilibrium.

它确实描述了一个加速度为a的质点的运动So, this certainly describes a particle whose acceleration is a.

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这里我说的是先前从地面释放的质点Here it meant particle that was released from the ground earlier.

组成该质点的分子是连续变化的。The molecules comprising this particle are continuously changing.

质点在一个时窗内运动的两个分量的交会图。A crossplot of two components of particle motion over a time window.