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可是,敌人大大的失算了。But the enemy wholly miscalculated.

藉全能的神帮助,我们不会失算的!With the help of almighty God, we will not be shortchanged.

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两次上调财务预测,然后两次失算。Raise your financial estimates, twice. Then miss them, twice.

在如此互不信任的氛围下,双方都有失算。In such an atmosphere of mistrust, miscalculation rules on both sides.

亚洲世界出版社感觉像是一个意外,这本书则是一个严重的失算。Asian World Press feels like an accident and the book a severe miscalculation.

她这次上这儿来,真是天下最不幸、最失算的事。Her coming there was the most unfortunate, the most ill-judged thing in the world!

衣服,是一个女人无数的计算与失算的剧本。Clothing is a script for a woman to record her countless achievements and mistakes.

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他为赢得其他大臣的支持而竭尽全力,却因失算而彻底受挫。He is completely outmanoeuvred in his campaign to win the support of other minister.

目的探讨脑损伤患者失算症的错误表现和相关脑机制。Objective To investigate errors and mechanism of acalculia in patients with brain injury.

我是如此强调本人跳过攀登的最后部分的阶梯和失算的高度重。I was so stressed I skipped to climb the last part of the ladder and miscalculated the height heavily.

现在怎么办?一想到他的老朋友现在正坐在自己的飞船内嘲笑他的失算,一瞬间,狂怒之火突然在杜库心中爆发燃烧。What now? A momentary flame of fury burst in Dooku as he thought of his old friend on his ship, laughing at how he'd outmaneuvered him.

两个月前向南韩军舰发射鱼雷,乖戾奸诈的平壤政客失算了吗?DID the warped Machiavellians of Pyongyang miscalculate when they launched the torpedo that blew apart a South Korean warship two months ago?

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这股力量曾经让史玉柱的“系统”失算,我相信,它同样也可以成为江南春真正的噩梦。This force once made Shi Yuzhu's system injudicious , I believe, it also can become the nightmare with Changjiang Delta real spring likewise.

奥巴马本希望医保改革计划能在国会开始休会前,也就是8月7日左右在参众两院获得通过.但现在看来恐怕"失算"了.Obama's timetable for an agreement passed by both chambers in Congress by the time lawmakers go on recess around August 7 appears to be slipping.

奶油流质向下流到他的下巴上,光亮的褐色胶质进一步流到他裸露的膝盖上就是他失算的证据。The creamy rivulets coursing down his chin and the shiny brown puddle expanding by the second on his bare knee were evidence of his miscalculations.

出差、技术更新、办公场所租赁、商业计划、广告销售、医疗保险、养老金支付等其他一些琐事开销足以让这个想法失算。There's travel, technology, rent, businessplanning, ad sales, health insurance, pension payments and, well, plenty of things that make this calculation a net loser.

德国章鱼“保罗”日前又做出预测,德国队将在世界杯半决赛中被西班牙队击败,想必德国的球迷一定希望这只“神算”章鱼这次最好能失算。Soccer fans across Germany will be hoping a "psychic" cephalopod's fabled skills of prophecy have Paul the octopus predicted a German loss in their World Cup semi-final with Spain.

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即使当克林顿试图与共和党结盟时,如果不同意他们的观点他会在原则上对抗,并从他们的失算中获取政治优势。Even as Clinton maneuvered to form alliances with the GOP, he stood up to them on principle when he disagreed with their views and took political advantage of their miscalculations.

珠三角厂商表示他们失算于市场需求大减,尤其东南亚客人消费力不足以弥补欧美客人流失。HK factory operators in the Peral River Delta told Money Magazine they do not expect a turn buying less, South East Asian consumers don't have the spending power to replace western consumers.

德国章鱼“保罗”日前又做出预测,德国队将在世界杯半决赛中被西班牙队击败,想必德国的球迷一定希望这只“神算”章鱼这次最好能失算。Soccer fans across Germany will be hoping a " psychic " cephalopod's fabled skills of prophecy have failed him after Paul the octopus predicted a German loss in their World Cup semi-final with Spain.