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这个农奴被蹂躏致死。The serf was trod to death.

啮齿类动物是西伯利亚的“可怜的农奴”。Rodents Were "Poor Serfs" of Siberia

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你可以押上农奴You could gamble serfs, real people.

残忍的农奴主挖掉了农奴的眼睛。The cruel serf-owner put out the serf's eyes.

农奴制度随着俄帝国的扩张而扩张Serfdom expands along with the Russian empire.

废除农奴制度后,农奴们获得了解放。The serfs were liberated after abolishing serfdom.

农奴主以野蛮、残酷的刑罚维护封建农奴制度。The serfs were liberated after abolishing serfdom.

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彼得有几乎用之不尽的农奴。Peter had a virtually inexhaustible supply of serfs.

雇佣和管理当代“农奴”的挑战The challenges of hiring and managing modern day serfs

第一大是俄国农奴,巴西则和美国接近The only one larger was Russian serfdom. Brazil was close.

XXX支持政治和宗教合并的农奴制度!XXX support serf system with politics and religion merging.

在封建等级底层的是农奴。At the bottom of the feudal scale were the villeins or serfs.

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她先是在南卡罗林那的这个拥有21名农奴的农场继续生活。In South Carolina, she had lived on an estate with 21 slaves.

她是一个未婚的女农奴的私生子。She is the illegitimate children of an unmarried female serfs.

在暴动中,农奴们以赤手空拳对付钢枪铁炮。In the uprising the serfs fought with bare hands against gunfire.

残忍的农奴主挖掉了农奴的眼睛。The masses of serfs and slaves had no right to receive education.

这位农奴挨农奴主毒打,昏迷了两个小时。The serf was beaten up by her owner and passed out for two hours.

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在容克庄园中,雇农仍然处于半农奴的地位。In the manor of Junker, the farmers were still in semi-serf status.

一个德国的自然学家称啮齿动物为人们的“可怜的农奴”。One German naturalist dubbed the rodents the people's "poor serfs."

他研究过农奴主和农奴之间的两性关系,他说,“但是我发现,这种关系,有些会是非常复杂的。”But we do find that some of these relationships can be very complex.