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它会来得容易且快速,并且指日可待。And it will come not just easy, but also fast.

它有一个4英尺长的软轴易于使用和长期指日可待。It has a 4-foot long flexible shaft for easy use and long reach.

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乐观主义者表示,金融市场正在上扬,经济复苏指日可待。Optimists say the markets are up and economic recovery is upon us.

那么高中文言文教学之新面目定能指日可待。Thus to strengthen the classical teaching in Senior High is in the process.

重构中国神话的系统工作已经指日可待了。It won't be long before Chinese mythology is reconstructed and systematised.

也许,能买到白藜芦醇强化葡萄酒或葡萄汁的那一天指日可待。It may be that one day soon you can buy resveratrol-enhanced wine or grape juice.

一种有利于妇女自身保护的杀菌剂可能会指日可待。A micro-biocide to help women protect themselves is likely just around the corner.

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而与塔利班对话正是宣扬“绿巨人”退出战局指日可待的标志。Talks with the Taliban would allow him to claim that the big green exit sign is in sight.

尽管我们还不能治愈普通的感冒,但人造器官却是指日可待。While we still can’t cure the common cold, custom-made organs are just around the corner.

若是你勤奋努力,天赋异禀,好运连连,你的成星之路就指日可待了。With hard work, talent and lots of luck, you may see your success just around the corner.

让这个地区成为世界上强大统一组织的前景现在指日可待。The prospect from the region becoming a formidable bloc in the world is well within our reach.

也许我们不能见证早9晚5时代的终结。但弹性工作的时代指日可待。Perhaps we're not witnessing the end of 9-to-5. But the age of flex-time may indeed be at hand.

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着眼于每一小步,然后完成你的宏图伟略就指日可待了。Focus on the small steps and it's only a matter of time before the bigger picture comes into play.

上个月,基金会在菲尼克斯投资的教育保障中心破土动工,我们的雄伟计划指日可待。Last month, the foundation broke ground for our Educare Center in Phoenix, our most ambitious project to date.

复活1000个骷髅兵如果马卡尔可以复活一支空前庞大的军队,那么胜利就指日可待了。Raise1000 skeletons Victory is assured if Markal can raise an army of numbers such as the world has never seen.

但是由于农业结构的转变进展缓慢,下一轮食品价格高涨的情况始终指日可待。But with the structure of the agricultural sector slow to change, the next bout is always just around the corner.

不管出自固执还是傲慢,如果拒不从错误中吸取教训的话,你的事业死期指日可待。Refusing to learn from your mistakes, whether out of stubbornness or arrogance, is a quick way to kill your career.

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“看着遗传特征分析的进展速度,”安德利奥勒,“我认为这种突破指日可待。"Looking at the advances in genetic profiling, " says Andriole, "I think this kind of advance is just around the corner.

但是,Symbian不过是昨日的智能电话平台而已,距离其寿终正寝的时间指日可待——开源不过是将这个时间稍微延长了一点罢了。However, it is still yesterday's smartphone platform and Symbian's days are still numbered--the number is just higher now.

在AEI的文森特莱因哈特说,它可能不会立即发生,但他认为美联储的行动显着的是指日可待。Vincent Reinhart at AEI said it may not happen immediately, but he believes significant Fed action is just around the corner.