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玛丽王太后喊道,“你是国王!Queen Mary shouted. 'You're a King!

长袍和王冠加身,她是太后。Gowned and crowned, she was a queen.

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王太后向人群挥手。The queen mother waved to the crowd.

对于有佛心的太后,也是如此。For the Queen Mother Buddha mind, too.

莫勒修女在太后右边上前一步。Septa Moelle moved up on the queen's right.

王太后说给王貅封一个侯爵就是。The queen said to Wang Xiufeng is a marquis.

连皇帝和大臣们都想了各种办法来奖赏马太后的家人。Even the King and ministers tried to reward her families.

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清朝的慈禧太后就是一个超级戏迷,她常请戏班子进宫演出。She often had opera troupes perform for her in the Court.

来到贝勒大圣堂的时候,她是太后,骑马穿过这群垃圾。She had come to Baelor's Sept a queen, riding in a litter.

传到太后耳朵里,反添一桩罪名。Spread to a queen mother ear inside, anti- add a criminal charges.

慈禧太后吃了这精美的点心之后,很满意。After eating the fine snack, Empress Dowager Cixi was fairly satisfied.

就这样慈禧太后在这个黄帘子后面统治了中国大约40多年。Ci'Xi ruled over China for about 40 years from behind the yellow screen.

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玛丽王太后,公爵的母亲,克制自己不与他通信联系。Queen Mary, the Duke's mother, confined her contact with him to letters.

他向王太后提出这个建议,却收到否定的回应。He suggested as much to the Queen Mother but met with a negative response.

在萨克森公爵夫人太后科堡与哥达继续居住在科堡。The Dowager Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha continued to reside in Coburg.

每个版面背面有太后的皇家会标。Each panel has on its reverse side the royal monogram of the Dowager Empress.

王太后突然亲吻了公爵的脸颊,令朝臣大吃一惊。The Queen Mother surprised courtiers by suddenly kissing the Duke on the cheek.

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而东汉经学为太后临朝提供思想支持的同时,也限制了太后们的行为。The Confucianism supports empress inwardly, but restrict the conduct of empress.

只召太后命人杀了阿卢,关键时刻,知后救下了阿卢。Just call the queen ordered people to kill Lu, critical moment, after Alou saved.

正值王太后用餐时,新教徒们冲了进去要求伸张正义。While the Queen Mother was eating dinner, Protestants burst in to demand justice.