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不要荼毒俘虏。Don't ill-treat captives.

特殊的自卫武器还使蠋蝽免遭鸟类的荼毒。The stinkbug has a special weapon for self-defense.

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他以路为家,不再被文明社会所荼毒。Whose home is the road, no longer to be poisoned by civilization.

不管我们喜欢与否,我们都会受到时间和年龄的荼毒。Whether we like it or not, we will all be victims of time and age.

这些东西曾被禁演达数十年之久,因为据说,这样的音乐中充斥着肮脏的画面,会荼毒我们的思想,会让西方资本主义的流毒侵蚀我们的大脑。The music, we were told, would poison our minds with filthy images.

看到西方媒体荼毒作者的思想真是让人感到悲哀。It's really sad to see Western media has poisoned the writer's mind.

人们在逃离从天而降的神经毒气和芥子气的时候,常常一家人一起惨遭荼毒。Whole families died while trying to flee clouds of nerve and mustard agents descending from the sky.

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此菩萨化身颂扬观音拯救众生于诅咒荼毒之慈悲。This form venerates Avalokitesvara's mercy to protect sentient beings from harmful curses and poisons.

在此后的八至十个月内,奥利弗遭到一整套背信弃义和欺诈行为的荼毒。For the next eight or ten months, Olive was the victim of a systematic course of treachery and deception.

这些东西曾被禁演达数十年之久,因为据说,这样的音乐中充斥着肮脏的画面,会荼毒我们的思想,会让西方资本主义的流毒侵蚀我们的大脑。The music, we were told, would poison our minds with filthy images. We would be infected by the West’s capitalist propaganda.

这个排名现在对一些城市的政府造成了难堪,也让它们那些饱受荼毒的市民看到了一丝希望。This is now causing several city governments some embarrassment—and at the same time giving hope to their ill-served customers.

这样的安排也许对大门的低潮发挥不了什麽作用,但至少不会看到他在前面的棒次继续练习挥棒来荼毒整支球队。It might not do anything for Damon , but it might stop him from killing them at the top of the order while he works out his swing.

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在英国石油公司利用“杀手锏”对付原油泄漏的同时,路易斯安那州的海岸线正遭受持续泄漏的原油的荼毒。As BP tries to stop the oil leak with a 'top kill' method, the Louisiana coastline is suffering from the effects of the continued gusher

党派之争、琐碎幼稚,长期以来这些东西荼毒了我们的政坛。Let us resist the temptation to fall behind on the alike partisanship and pettiness and immaturity those has poisoned our politics for so long.

假如你想探访一个美丽的非洲国家,她遭受穆加贝一伙荼毒多年,正在挣扎重生,那么就去吧。If you want to visit a wonderful African country struggling to survive after years of abuse from a handful of amoral cronies of Mugabe, then go.

这些东西曾被禁演达数十年之久,因为据说,这样的音乐中充斥着肮脏的画面,会荼毒我们的思想,会让西方资本主义的流毒侵蚀我们的大脑。For decades it had been forbidden. The music, we were told, would poison our minds with filthy images. We would be infected by the West's capitalist propaganda.

因此,毫无疑问,因为我们反应迅速,避免了一场人道主义灾难的发生,无数平民——无辜的男人、女人和孩子们免遭荼毒。So make no mistake, because we acted quickly, a humanitarian catastrophe has been avoided and the lives of countless civilians—innocent men, women and children—have been saved.

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史上最臭名昭著的恶棍之一,凭借着烧杀抢掠、荼毒生灵,到公元450年,阿提拉的军队已经征服了整个亚洲——从蒙古到俄罗斯帝国边缘。One of the most notorious villains in history, Attila’s army had conquered all of Asia by 450 AD-from Mongolia to the edge of the Russian Empire-by destroying villages and pillaging the countryside.