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这个国家四面环海。The country is encircled by the sea.

三亚四面环海,所以有许多的海产品。Sanya is around with seas, so there is much seafood.

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东、南、北三面环海,海岸线长达54公里。East, south, north sea on three sides with a coastline of 54 km.

三亚三面环海,有着丰富的海洋资源。With the sea on three sides Sanya has abundant maritime resources.

三亚三面环海,有着充裕的海洋资源。With the sea on three sides, Sanya has abundant maritime resources.

三亚三面环海,有着厚实的海洋资源。With the sea on three sides, Sperya has abundpert maritime resources.

环海,艾斯拜瑞公园和宜人海滩也都在重建计划之内。Sea Girt, Asbury Park and Point Pleasant Beach are also planning to rebuild.

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我的家乡青岛是一个三面环海、非常适宜人类居住的海滨城市。My hometown Qingdao, circled by three sides of beaches, is a suitable place for living.

三亚四面环海,所以有许多的海产品,鱼、虾、螃蟹。Sanya is around with seas, so there are lots of seafood, fish, shrimps, crabs and so on.

北海道是位于日本北端的一个岛屿,四面环海,土地辽阔,金鹰网快乐女声抢票。Hokkaido is an island at Japan's northern extremity, surrounded by sea in all directions.

最受欢迎响远远是爱尔兰烂掉,它四面环海,是一个浪漫的传说。The most popular ring by far is the Irish Claddagh and it is surrounded by a romantic legend.

青岛市城阳区环海经济技术开发区兴海路15号。No. 15 Xinghai Road , Qingdao Huanhai Economic & Technological Development Zone, Qingdao , China.

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它三面环海一径南通,为我国最大、世界最典型的陆连岛。It is surrounded on three sides by the sea, Nantong, China's largest, the world's most typical tombolo.

日本是个四面环海的群岛国家,岛国地位影响着日本的方方面面。Japan is an island. Such an insular position affect Japan' all aspects including its geopolitical strategy.

海口市四面环海,拥有漫长的海岸线,形成了上佳的海水浴场和海边胜地特征。With the sea on three sides, Haikou enjoys a long coastline that features excellent bathingbeaches and sea side resorts.

英国是一个岛国,四面环海,因此,海蓝色,是崇拜和崇高的颜色。Britain is an island country surrounded by the sea, so the color of the sea-blue is worshipped and it becomes the noble color.

上海是东亚季风性气候,东面环海,气候温暖湿润,四季分明。Shanghai, enclosed on east side by the sea, has an eastern Asian monsoon climate which is warm and humid with four different seasons.

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我公司位于城阳环海经济技术开发区内,是总部的产品生产基地。My company is located in the city-economic and technological development zones in the sea, is the headquarters of the production base.

日本是四面环海的岛国,受到海洋气候的影响,岛上降水丰沛。Japan is the island country who is encircled by the sea all round and its precipitation is plentiful because of the affection of the marine climate.

海法位于半岛之上,三面环海,融汇了欧洲及中东风情。Due to its peninsular locale, Haifa is surrounded by the sea on three sides, and offers a luxuriously European environment with a Middle Eastern twist.