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但日本却截然不同。But not in Japan.

哈斯先生参与的另一场战争与上一次截然不同。Mr Haass’s next war was different.

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但是英语的情况却截然不同。But things are different with English.

那边的制度与中国的截然不同,”李秋平说道。The system is very different," Li said.

二元论则是一种截然不同的假说Now, dualism is a very different doctrine.

在各个方面真丝跟人造丝截然不同。Silk is distinct from rayon in every respect.

你今天穿得真鲜丽,跟你往日的风格截然不同。You are dressed more bright than usual today.

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但是多处理器系统则截然不同。But a multi-processor machine is another story.

我的生活?天哪,我可以说,我的生活将会是截然不同的。My life? Oh my god. Very different, I would say.

他的说法与他的朋友所言截然不同。His statement conflicted with what his friend said.

第一,从形而上学的角度讲,肉体和灵魂是截然不同的吗One, metaphysically, are bodies and souls distinct?

第一,形而上学的,身体和灵魂完全分离截然不同吗?One, metaphysically, are bodies and souls distinct?

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那两种观点截然不同。Those two ideas are quite distinct from each other.

他和他弟弟生活方式截然不同。He and his brother have quite different life-styles.

也就是说,我们处在截然不同的发展阶段。That is to say, we lie to develop level disparately.

同样的信息,截然不同的解读。The same information, very different interpretation.

现在存在截然不同的构建时和运行时任务。There are now distinct build time and run time tasks.

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我住在百慕大,那里和这里截然不同。I lived in Bermuda, and it's very different from here.

他们在峰会上表现出截然不同的态度。They came to the summit with very different attitudes.

奥巴马父母的身世截然不同。Obama’s parents came from vastly different backgrounds.