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她没有立即作答。She didn't awer immediately.

不要烦恼你的作答。Do not worry about your answers.

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伯南克先生,你将会如何作答呢?Mr. Bernanke, how do you respond?

不过我无法为她作答。Nevertheless, I cannot answer for her.

和以前一样,我机械地作答。Same as ever, I replied automatically.

那老人打着呵欠作答。The old man snored away the afternoon.

我用事先安排好的手势作答。I answer with prearranged hand signals.

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他忘记封那邀请作答覆。He neglected to reply to the invitation.

用蓝笔或黑笔作答。Write your answers in blue or black ink.

沃森通过电子文本获得作答的线索。Watson got its clues via electronic text.

对于直接而保守的攻击,我们容易作答。The direct conservative attacks are easy to answer.

先生和魏先生都不知道如何作答。Both Mr Zhang and Mr Wei did not know how to answer.

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就你空闲时会做的活动进行提问并作答。Ask and answer about free-time activities you can do.

露西娅很快地抬头看了他一眼,没有作答。His wife looked up at him quickly, but made no reply.

思玉又问了几个问题,瀚峰也一一作答。Siyu asked a few more questions, and Hanfeng replied.

练习页清晰打印,可纸张作答。Printing feature of exercise worksheets in PDF format.

将你的30秒广告抛在一边,立即作答。Throw out your 30-second commercial. Think on your feet.

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我不知如何作答,只是一声再见伴着你翩然而去。I gave no answer but a good-bye to accompany your flight.

办公室没人答应对此事从速作答。No one in the office promised a quick answer to the matter.

好吧,我开始搜肠刮肚尝试用德语作答。Very well, I begin to cipher out the German for that answer.