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他们熏蒸房子以杀死毒虫。They fumigated the house to kill the vermin.

我们的姜黄是从来没有的熏蒸或照射。Our Turmeric is never fumigated or irradiated.

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熏蒸剂是以气体形式作用的农药。Fumigants are pesticides acting in gaseous phase.

防治的方法包括毒杀和熏蒸。Methods of control involved poisoning and fumigation.

谷物收获后两周内就应进行熏蒸消毒。Grain should be fumigated within two weeks after harvest.

熏疗床,熏蒸疗法的主要用具。Fuming treatment bed is the main tool in fuming treatment.

熏蒸期间用磷化氢检测管测定PH3浓度。PH3, concentration was monitored using phosphine detection tubes.

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熏蒸是植物检疫处理中最广泛使用的方法。Fumigation is the most widely used method for plant quarantine treatment.

如果发生泄漏,整个实验室都要封闭,进行熏蒸消毒。If there is a leakage, the entire laboratory can be sealed and fumigated.

预防大面积严重虫害可采取熏蒸的办法。Large-scale control for severe infestations can be achieved by fumigating.

部分熏蒸剂对线虫、害虫和杂草种子也有活性。Some fumigants are also active against nematodes, insects, and weed seeds.

船舶由于船员生病而被指令进行熏蒸,由船舶所有人负担该项费用。Fumigations orderedbecause of illness of the crew to be for Owners account.

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乙方在熏蒸期间,应全程悬挂信号旗或信号灯。Party B should hang up the signal flags or lamps during poisonous fumigation.

特定的药物对蟑螂熏蒸设备的使用,和熏蒸。The use of specific drugs on the cockroach fumigation devices, and fumigated.

一种有毒的弱酸,用于熏蒸和有机化合物的合成。A weak poisonous acid used in fumigating and in synthesis of organic compounds.

集装箱内必须留有一定的空间以便熏蒸剂循环。The container must be packed to provide air space for circulation of the fumigant.

熏蒸屋是一个斧劈原木、锯材和铣削木材层积而成的作品。The smokehouse is a layered assembly of hewn logs, sawn timber, and milled lumber.

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臭氧熏蒸或氯气加臭氧熏蒸均不能将霉菌全部杀灭。Ozone fumigation or chlorine plus ozone fumigation could not kill fungi completely.

在大量发生时则用氰酸气、氯化苦、溴甲烷等药熏蒸。In a large occurs is isomeric with gas, LvHuaGu, methyl bromide fumigation medicine.

采用密闭熏蒸方法,测定了多种植物精油对烟草甲害虫的熏杀活性。Fumigation activity of some plant essential oils against tobacco beetle was investigated.