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她在宫廷中失宠。She was disgraced at court.

皇后不久失宠。被处死了。Soon the queen fell into disfavour and was executed.

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谁也不知为什么,他竟失宠于上司。No one knows why, but the fell from grace with the boss.

我给妈妈买了只新宠物,那只老猫要失宠了。I bought my mom a new pet, so the old cat will break its shovel.

我给我妈妈买了一只新的宠物,因此那只老猫就失宠了。I bought my mum a new pet, so the old cat will break its shovel.

这其实也说明不了圣皮埃尔先生在女人堆里失宠了。This is not to say that Mr. St-Pierre’s appeal is lost on women.

失宠之后,他千方百计重新赢得欢心。Having lapsed from grace, he tried every means to win back favour again.

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弗莱施曼于1989年失宠,但他依然克尽职守地工作着。Fleischmann was disgraced in 1989, but he still stands by the work he was doing.

虚荣使人得宠于己,而失宠于人。Vanity keeps people in favor of themselves who are out of favor with all others.

他本是国王的幸臣,一朝失宠众人无不感到意外。He had been the king's favourite, and his sudden fall from grace surprised everyone.

IBM的软件部门已然失宠,并改名为“网络计算”部门。IBM's software division had fallen from grace and was renamed the "Network Computing" division.

但是,我已经失宠,没法听她把她所看见的有趣的东西描述一番。But, being in disgrace, I was not favoured with a description of the interesting objects she saw.

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想想前尤科斯石油公司的头米哈伊尔·霍多尔科夫斯基,直到他失宠于普京。Consider Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the head of YUKOS oil company until he fell out of favor with Putin.

在连续数年“缺席”后,布兰妮于去年重登该榜,但今年再次失宠。Spears reappeared on the list in 2009 after a few years' absence but was out of favour again in 2010.

自然权利一词最终跌入失宠,但普遍权利的概念发生的根源。The term natural rights eventually fell into disfavor, but the concept of universal rights took root.

但是十年前随着低收入美国人也得到了信用准许,预约购物开始失宠。But layaway fell out of favor during the last decade as lower-income Americans gained access to credit.

但是几年后,第米斯托克利却失宠了,甚至被希腊人从雅典驱除出境,流放国外。A few years later, he fell out of favor, was ostracized by his countrymen, and was banished from Athens.

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此外,在美国和欧洲,味精的用量已经下降了,失宠于众多消费者。Additionally, in the US and Europe, the use of chemical MSG has fallen to disfavor among many consumers.

没过多久,起义军在内战中取得优势,失宠的帝安局特工蒂昂·琦勒叛逃。Before long, the Rebels got the upper hand in the war the disenfranchised ISB agent Tian Chyler defected.

失宠之前是尼禄大帝的顾问,后来尼禄把他赶走。He was an advisor to Nero until he fell out of favor, and Nero kicked him out and all that sort of thing.