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我在拌和配料做蛋糕。I'm mixing a cake.

缓缓地拌和鸡蛋。Gently fold in the eggs.

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你会把米扔进去并把它拌和。You would throw the rice in and mix it up.

把两杯筛过的面粉加一杯糖后拌和。Add two cups of sifted flour to one cup of sugar and mix.

该转折点对应的时间为碾压混凝土拌和物的初凝时间。The time opposes to this turning point is the initial setting time.

减量秤在稳定土拌和站水泥供给系统中有广泛的应用。Weight drop scale has been widely used in stabilized soil mixing plant.

所得结论适用于所有中置式稳定土拌和机。The conclusion derived is suitable to all centrally located stabilized soil mixer.

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振动拌和过程是复杂的动态流变过程。It is the complicated dynamic rheology course to mix and stir the course in vibration.

通过验证实验证明了拌和指数的可行性。Then the experiments of measuring mixing index for concrete were conducted for its verification.

炮台建筑采用黄泥、石灰、细砂拌和,逐层填筑夯实,非常坚固。Fort building is Wong , lime , fine sand mixing , layer by layer filling compaction , very strong.

首先,分别在拌和厂、施工现场以及试验室测试了有害气体排放的情况。First, the harmful gas emissions were tested in mixing plant, the construction site and laboratory.

通过试验研究、比较,得出了振动拌和SFRC的主要参数及影响因素。The main Parameter and effect factors of vibratory mixing on SFRC are got through test, study and comparison.

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把卵黄,宁檬汁,香料放在食品拌和器里,之后加入盐和辣椒做调料。保藏指正。Place the egg yolks, lemon juice and herbs in a blender or food processor and season well with salt and pepper.

若渗漏不严重,可在漏气或漏水的地方涂抹水泥或用沥青油拌和的水泥浆。If the leakage is not serious leak or leaks in the local application of cement or asphalt mixing the slurry oil.

水泥混土路面施工的核心环节是混凝土的拌和与摊铺。The core links of the construction of the cement concrete road surface are the mixing and spreading of concrete.

混凝土拌和物质量的优劣,直接影响到枢纽运行安全及建筑物的使用寿命。The quality of concrete mixture directly affects the operational safety and the working life of concrete structure.

介绍了KINGVIEW和PLC组成的自动监控系统,并详细阐述了其在拌和楼生产过程中的应用。And it discusses the application of KINGVIEWand PLC in the blending building production course automatic monitoring.

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在大、中型水电建设工程中,砼生产都采用自动化砼拌和楼系统来完成的。In a large or a middle water and electricity project, automatic concrete mixing plant system is used to produce concrete.

研究以USB2.0为通信接口的沥青拌和站数据采集系统的设计与实现。Design and implementation of the bitumen mix plant data acquisition system with USB2.0as communication bus are researched.

HMA的拌和与施工温度要求很高,在生产过程中需要将沥青和集料加热到很高的温度。For HMA's requirement of high temperature, asphalt and aggregate need to be heated to high level in the process of construction.