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但另一条出路却是成为微利的公共事业公司。But the alternative is to become low-margin utilities.

无可否认,陶瓷行业的“微利时代”已经到来!Undeniably , the "slight-profit era" of the ceramic industry has come!

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嗨,我需要一个经验的人为我的微利基排名在谷歌1页12个地点。Hi, I need an experience person to rank my micro niche 12 sites on the 1 page of google.

面对微利时代,台湾晶圆代工产业如何创造更多的利润。Second, in the face of meager profit era, Taiwan's IC foundry how about sets more profits.

对部分小型微利企业实行所得税优惠政策。A preferential income tax policy for small enterprises with low profits will be implemented.

一个阶段性的“微利年代”,正促使中国钢铁业“调整时代”的到来。A stage of "low-profit era of" China's steel industry is to promote "adjustment time" to come.

有研究机构认为,在成本与需求的共同挤压之下,钢铁行业自此步入微利阶段。Some research institute in cost and demand of extrusion, steel industry has entered profit-making stage.

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比如,淘宝网网店的盈利模式就是低价微利,一笔注册登记费对其也是一笔不小的负担。For example, Taobao shop profit profit model is cheap, a registration fee is not a small sum of its burden.

今年前三个月,涤纶短纤和长丝始终处在微利和亏损状态。The first three months of this year, polyester staple fibre and filament yarn kept in the low-profit and loss.

一些中国供应商已经产生作用了,仅有的微利使得他们停业,就是因为不能够筹到足够的钱。Some Chinese suppliers who cannot raise the money — many already operate on thin margins — are going out of business.

微利经营,服务大众,健康发展。这是老城人鞋业始终坚持的企业宗旨。Low-profit business, to serve the public, and healthy development. This is the old city man shoes always corporate purposes.

伴随着市场经济的快速发展以及经济全球化的影响,微利将是我们要长期面对的一个客观现实问题。Coupled with the affect of grow apace of market economy and global economics, meager profit will become to a reality problem.

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我国的汽车业经过高速高利润的粗放式增长,现在已步入竞争激烈的微利时代。Chinese automobile industry has stepped into the era of low profit after several years of rapid high-profit extensive increase.

买方市场的形成,微利时代的到来,对我国民营企业起到了一次大浪淘沙的作用。Buyers' market's formation, the meager profit time's arrival, played a Lang Tao Sha verse role to our country Private enterprise.

也许,微利时代与可观的利润空间,从来都是弱者与智者之间博弈的“相对论”。Perhaps the meager profit time and considerable profit space, has always been between the weak and the wise game of "relativity".

随着房地产开发微利时代的趋近,对房地产营销策划探索的深入,竞争激烈的房地产营销时代已经到来。With the convergence of times of meager profit of real estate industry, the marketing era of fierce competition has already come.

随着胶粘带行业进入壁垒的降低和竞争的加剧,原来的高利润变成了现在的微利甚至亏损。As adhesive tape industry's barrier turn lower and because the heated competitive, the industry's profit turn meagre even deficit.

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公司以微利经营为目标,坚持以高质量,低价位的产品追求客户满意为经营宗旨。Meager profit company operating as a goal, to high-quality, low price products to pursue customer satisfaction for business purposes.

建筑施工企业是微利行业,在当前建筑市场如此激烈的情况下更是如此。Architecture construction company is industry which gains little profits, especially at present time architecture market is so drastic.

由于钢铁业进入微利时代,迫于生存的压力,钢铁企业纷纷拓展非钢产业。Because of the steel into small profit era, fearing the survival of pressure, steel enterprises have been expanding the steel industry.