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北约和反对派计划对苏尔特使用细菌战。NATO and rebels plan to use bacteriological warfare against Sirte.

它也想利用这一知识来充实自己的细菌战计划。It also wants to use that knowledge to augment its own germ warfare program.

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滇西沦陷之后,侵华日军在滇西进行了鲜为人知的细菌战。After the occupation the Japanese invaders carried out their then little-Rnown bacteria war.

他们还曾经在中国的11个城市进行过大规模的实地细菌战试验。They had also carried on the large-scale germ warfare experiment on the spot in China's 11 cities.

以下是我们的健康指南——如何识别敌人并做出反击及在本季度的细菌战中幸存。Here's our guide to identifying the enemy, fighting back, and surviving this season's germ warfare.

鼠疫仍然是研究由政府和恐怖分子组织可能细菌战的应用。Plague is still studied by governments and terrorist organizations for possible germ warfare applications.

日军侵华期间,对中国实施过大规模的细菌攻击,江西也是日军细菌战的重灾区。The germ warfare in Changde launched by the Japanese aggressor brought about great disaster to Changde people.

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常德细菌战是侵华日军731部队在华中实施的三次大规模细菌战之一,在常德造成鼠疫流行的巨大灾难。First, the course and effect relations between the prevalence of rat plague and the germ attack of the 731 army.

从事细菌战研究的731部队,在整个日本陆军中有着非同寻常的地位。The Japanese Army 731 engaged in bacteriological warfare research was very special in all the Japanese land force.

侵华日军第731部队是二战期间日本法西斯在中国东北建立的一支细菌战部队。Japanese invaders during World War II 731 Japanese fascist army in northeast China established a germ warfare unit.

侵华日军731细菌战部队于1941年在湖南常德实施细菌战,对该地平民造成巨大伤害。The germ warfare in Changde launched by the Japanese 731 Troop in 1941 brought about great harm to the local people.

抗美援朝期间在前线与老师一起拍摄“粉碎敌人细菌战”等科学教育电影数集。During the Korean War, he shot along with his teacher several science documentaries such as Smashing Enemy's Germ Warfare.

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细菌战诉讼案大致经历了准备阶段、起诉阶段、一审阶段、二审阶段、三审阶段,其结果以败诉告终。BW suit experienced generally preparation stage, prosecuting stage, first instance stage, second instance and third instance.

日本神奈川大学的历史系教授和细菌战专家常石教授认为,被挖掘的医学院旧址就是731部队的总部,这里曾做过大量的实验。Faculty of Medicine being excavated is 731 units of the headquarters site, where a large number of experiments have been done.

前东京医学院旧址与731部队有关联,隶属于日本帝国军队的731部队,在战争时期用战俘做人体实验,开展细菌战计划。Former Tokyo medical school site is linked to Unit 731, branch of imperial army which used prisoners in germ warfare programme

虽然显赫,杰弗里.阿姆赫斯特的名字却因用天花病污染过的毛毯向美洲印地安人发动细菌战的故事而狼藉。Despite his fame, Jeffrey Amherst s name became tarnished by stories of smallpox-infected blankets used as germ warfare against American Indians.

中国在第二次世界大战中日本细菌战的幸存者和遇难家属发誓将继续要求日本道歉并赔偿。Chinese survivors and the families of victims of Japanese germ warfare in World War vowed to continue their fight for apology and compensation from Japan.

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但是,由于南京荣字1644细菌部队活动的隐蔽性,加之战后日本政府对侵华日军细菌战罪行的隐瞒,长期以来中外学者对南京荣字1644细菌部队的真实面目仍不甚了解。However, due to its stealthiness and the Japanese government's policy of disguising its crime, Germ Factory 1644 has not been well known by scholars home and broad.

人多吵杂的地方意味着那里的食物是新鲜准备的,而不像有些餐馆静得只有苍蝇在飞,从而变成细菌战。But high volume also means that food is being prepared fresh, rather than sitting around attracting flies and turning into something useful for waging biological warfare.

为了追究日本政府的赔偿责任,关于细菌战受害个人赔偿的现代法理的确立是当务之急。In order to investigate the compensatory responsibility of the Japanese government, the modern theory of law about individual compensation of victims is to be established.