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在火塘的日子,每刻都是开心的。The life is happy in Huo Tang Bar.

中景是成熟的橄榄树和火塘。Mature olive trees and fire pit in mid ground.

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在火塘,永远都少不了的元素之一,就是音乐。The most important element in Huo Tang Bar is music.

在火塘,没有人是孤独的,我们都是这大家庭的一份子。Nobody is allowed to be alone here. We are all the parts of this family.

火塘是佤族世俗生活和宗教活动的场所,是家庭的象征,同时也是火神、祖先神栖息的场所。Its also the symbol of family and the rest place for fire god and ancestors.

傈僳族的火塘是家庭活动的中心,也是神圣的场所。Lusu's fire pit is the center of family activities. It is also a sacred place.

帐篷中央有火塘,遗址附近还发现了石器。It included a central hearth. Stone tools were fond in the area around this site.

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该建筑由动物皮毛覆于木质框架而制成,有两个入口和两个火塘。This animal skin over wood frame structure included two entrances and two hearths.

家家的火塘上都煨有一罐浓茶,可随时饮用和招待客人。The families are Huotang simmer a can of strong tea, drink and hospitality to guests at any time.

现在,他们住在两层的砖瓦房里,十间房屋,水泥地板,一个做饭用的火塘。Now, they live in a two-story brick house, with 10 rooms, concrete floors, an open fire pit for cooking.

火塘吧,随处都是景,老板之一铁城,学美术出身,把这里当成他的作品,创意无处不在。Tie Cheng, one of the bosses, was majoring in Art. He designs the bar and uses his unique ideas everywhere.

火塘文化作为土家人家庭的文化中心,其本质是一种家庭文化。As the cultural core of Tujia families, the nature of Chinese fireplace culture is a kind of family culture.

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我花了很多时间一家家串门,在火塘边烤火,并且挡住一杯杯玉米酒。I spent a lot of time going from house to house, warming myself at fires and fending off cups of corn liquor.

火塘文化对故事家刘德培的讲述活动的讲述环境、讲述内容带来的影响。Chinese fireplace culture exerts an influence on the narrating context and narrating content of story teller Liu Depei.

入夜,主人和被邀请来的亲朋好友围坐在火塘边饮酒互赠祝词。At night, and the owner were invited to the family and friends were sitting in each other Huo Tangbian drinking message.

他们相信,当时的人将那些颜料块放在火塘里加热,直到它们呈现一种鲜豔的红色,埋葬仪式中就用得上了。They believe the lumps of pigment were heated in hearths to achieve a specific hue of scarlet and then used in funerary rituals.

小姑娘出去捡柴火,采来花草当蔬菜,把锅子放在火塘上,总是在十一个哥哥回来之前把饭菜做好。They gathered wood for cooking, herbs for the stew, and put the pot onto the fire so a meal was always ready when the eleven came home.

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第二部分主要论述了火塘文化在故事传承中的作用和地位以及对刘德培的民间故事讲述活动的影响。Part 2 mainly discusses the function and role of Chinese fireplace culture in oral transmission of stories and its influence on the narration of Liu Depei's folk story.

内部结构为适应其母系原则而组成家庭特点,有火塘所在的正室,为全家的中心。In order to meet its internal structure and composition of the principle of matrilineal family characteristics, Huotang where Zheng Shi, the Centre for the whole family.

如果清冷的空气中有几束阳光透过是写意的,那么再加上火塘和酒歌就算得是大写意了。If In the cool air have a few beams sunlight passing through be consider as freehand brushwork, then add some hearth and drinking song should been consider as considerable freehand brushwork.