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在日复一日的等待中。In day-after-day waiting.

远隔重洋,日复一日。Oceans apart day after day.

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日复一日的隔洋遥望。Ocean apart , day after day.

他日复一日地从早工作到夜晚。He works from morning till night.

日复一日,她们精神萎靡。Day by day, their spirits atrophy.

时光日复一日、周复一周在流逝。Yet the days go by and weeks rush on.

梦想必须超越我们日复一日的生活。We have to dream beyond the day-to-day living.

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日复一日,年复一年,我一直听到类似的话。Day after day, I hear from people just like him.

恰恰相反,等待他们的将是无边无际的寂静、不太新鲜的空气和日复一日的罐头食品。Instead, silent inertia, stale air and tinned food.

下班后,我将复印件给泰勒,然后日复一日。After work, I give Tyler the copies, and days go by.

日复一日,我在园里拔草,照顾我的园子。Day by day, I tendered my garden and took out weeds.

远隔重洋,日复一日,我慢慢地变得要失常。Oceans apart, day after day, and I slowly go insane.

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一些超级英雄似乎可以日复一日地过着这样的生活。Some superheroes seem to survive this way indefinitely.

那些日复一日生活在机敏与理智里的人之一。Those people who live sensibly and sanely day after day.

在恶臭熏天的货舱中日复一日的生活是什么样的?What was it like day after day in their fetid cargo bay?

日复一日,我们就在选择中铺垫通往未来的路。Day to day, choice by choice, we are building our future.

针对总统的审判日复一日,裁决将非常接近。The trial went on day after day. The decision would be close.

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他们过一天算一天,日复一日地照顾着生病的女儿。They live from day to day, looking after their sick daughter.

在日记中,你可以日复一日或者周复一周的追踪计划的进展情况。In it, you can track your progress day by day and week by week.

日复一日的生存搏斗压倒了别的统统。The day-to-day struggle for survival overrode all other things.