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叫他俯卧着。Tell him to bung upwards.

一只鹿俯卧在草堤上。A deer couched on a grassy bank.

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把病人翻过去让他俯卧。Turn the patient over onto his front.

他绊倒在卢克俯卧的身躯上。He stumbled over Luke's prostrate body.

他俯卧在长榻上,睡得正香。He was lying prone on the couch, fast asleep.

好,现在回到大拜式,让我们俯卧在垫子上。OK, now back style worship, let us prone on the mat.

颈部放松俯卧,将双肘放在地板上。Neck de- tenser Lie on your stomach, elbows on floor.

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我夜里睡觉的时候如果俯卧的话,骨盆就会痛。My pelvis would hurt at night when I slept on my stomach.

邦迪擦了一根火柴照看那个俯卧着的东西。Bundy struck a match and held it over the prostrate figure.

俯卧,用脚踝夹住小球。Lie flat on your stomach with the ball between your ankles.

奇怪的是,6名被害人均是脸朝下俯卧在床上。But strangely, the six victims were found face down in their beds.

飞杆操作员依然是脸朝下俯卧在机身中间。The boom operator still lays face-down in the center of the aircraft.

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俯卧,用肚皮支撑身体,两臂在身体两侧,手掌向上。Lie on your belly with your arms alongside your body, palms facing up.

在俯卧姿势,将骨盆转到右边然后再到左边。In the prone position, turn your pelvis to the right and then to the left.

而且,俯卧时头必定偏向一边,这会导致某一侧的颈椎神经痛。Nervecompressionoccurs when the bones of the spine press on the nerves in the neck.

阿纳金和梅斯·温杜俯卧在这艘歼星舰舰桥的一个舰员室里。Anakin and Mace Windu lie prone in one of the crew pits of the Star Destroyer bridge.

几周后一个阳光明媚的下午,卡特?德鲁兹直挺挺地俯卧着。One sunny afternoon, a few weeks later, Carter Druse lay at full length upon his stomach.

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一个身穿灰色夹克和棕色长裤的人俯卧在一小块林间空地上,巡防队员靠上前去。He approaches a man wearing a gray jacket and brown pants, lying prone in a small clearing.

因为当人们俯卧的时候,下颚会比平时更加突出。When people sleep on their front, their lower jaw is positioned further forward than normal.

她俯卧着,睁大了眼睛也只能看清石泉脸部的轮廓。She was lying prostrate, only able to see the outline of Shi Quan's face with wide-open eyes.