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他代表世界贸易组织。It stands for World Trade Organization.

他们希望中国脱离世界贸易组织。They want Beijing out of the World Trade Organization.

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世界贸易组织的建立和发展就是集中反映这一趋势的结果。The establishment and development of WTO is the consequence of this trend.

世界贸易组织限制保护主义的另一个渠道是入世协定。Another way the WTO has helped limit protection is through accession agreements.

世界贸易组织成员国将在俄罗斯议会批准协议后正式生效。The WTO membership will become effective after Russia's parliament ratifies the agreement.

世界贸易组织中的自我保护规则,是引导企业由价格竞争转向非价格竞争的规则。The WTO's ego- protection rule is to direct the business to focus on non-price competition.

世界贸易组织是一个国际性的组织,它是为国家之间的公平贸易服务的。WTO is an international organization that orks to guarantee fair trade bet een many nations.

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世界贸易组织让获胜国,这个案子中的是巴西,从失败国收进口税。WTO rules let the winning country — in this case Brazil — tax imports from the losing country.

本周,新世界秩序的各条战线在世界贸易组织曝光了。The battle lines of the new world order were exposed at the World Trade Organization this week.

据美国贸易代表办公室说,世界贸易组织争端解决机构预期将在今后30天内采纳上诉机构的报告。The WTO dispute-settlement body is expected to adopt the appeals report within the next 30 days.

世界贸易组织的主要职能是执行和管理多边贸易协议。Its primary function is the implementation and administration of the Plurilateral Trade Agreement.

我国已经世界贸易组织,经济全球化一体化将欲演欲烈,竞争将更为激烈与残酷。China' s WTO entry and the global economic integration will lead to keener and crueler competition.

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本周在亚洲举行的另一个重大会议是世界贸易组织部长级会议。The other big meeting in Asia this week is the ministerial conference of the World Trade Organization.

当时的针对性言论是,如果中国不加入又何谈世界贸易组织呢?The counter argument to that was, how can you call it a world trade organization if China is not in it?

听说中国终于加人世界贸易组织,我的激动之情难以言表。Having heard that China has entered into the WTO at last, I can't describe my excitement with any words.

世界贸易组织的主要职能是执行和管理多边贸易协议。The primary function of WTO is the implementation and administration of the Plurilateral Trade Agreement.

世界贸易组织公平地解决了富有的和贫穷的国家之间的贸易政策。The trade policies of the rich and poor countries have been judicially solved by World Trade Organization.

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推动世界贸易组织多哈回合谈判达成具有雄心而平衡的最终成果,将为全球经济提供当前急需的经济刺激。An ambitious and balanced conclusion of the DDA will provide a much-needed stimulus for the global economy.

随着全球农业体系搁浅,世界贸易组织As the global system for agriculture ran aground, the World Trade Organization drifted into dangerous waters.

我们还正通过世界贸易组织来努力解决公平竞争不断面临的问题。We are also working though the World Trade Organization to address continuing challenges to fair competition.