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冰河期的成因为何?What causes ice ages?

每种过度冗余都有其成因。Each type has its own main causes.

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条纹长石为交代成因。The genesis of perthite is metasomatic.

然而其成因仍然有争议。However, their formation is still debated.

如果是偶然事件,它的偶然成因是什么?If it's an accident, what's it an accident from?

或任何罢工或停工或任何其它成因超出它的控制。Or lockouts or any other causes beyond its control.

提出该岩体晶质铀矿复成因的证据。Evidence shows that the uraninite is of polygenesis.

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我对自己第一次获得世嘉成因游戏机的那一时刻记忆犹新。I remember when I first got my Sega Genesis console.

矿床在空间上和成因上与金窝子花岗岩关系密切。It is spatially and originally related to the granite.

另外企业中的加班现象也是压力的成因之一。One of the causes of stress is the long hours culture.

随文并讨论彼得氏异常的病理成因。The pathogenesis of Peters' anomaly is also discussed.

他们已经搞清楚这个物理变化的成因。They have cleared up the cause of the physical change.

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生化学家正在作研究探讨爱滋病的成因。Biochemists are doing research into the causes of AIDS.

初步分析了海积软土结构强度的成因。The cause of structural strength is analyzed primarily.

与成矿关系密切的岩石为浊积岩成因。The ore forming rock series should be turbidite origin.

生化学家正在做研究探讨爱滋病的成因。Biochemists are making research into the causes of AIDS.

是故我们将着重于可操作或可控制的战争成因。Hence we focus on manipulable or controllable war-causes.

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有助于。是什么的成因。Many people contributed to the development of our contry.

地貌学研究地形的成因及其变化。The study of the evolution and configuration of landforms.

气样组分分析表明,该区天然气属甲烷型生物成因气。According to component analysis, it is methane type biogas.