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他们也足步匆匆地赶往震中。They were hurrying towards the epicentre.

北极处于气候变化的震中。The Arctic is at the epicentre of climate change.

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地震震中距离日本东部海岸大约130千米。Its epicentre was about 130km off Japan's east coast.

震中在伯斯尼城西南98km的位置。The epicenter was 98km southwest of the town of Pasni.

两场地震的震中都位于地下30公里左右。Both quakes had epicenters around 30 kilometers underground.

这是斯蒂芬•麦克唐纳从地震震中映秀镇为AM发来的报道。This is Stephen McDonell at earthquake epicentre in Yingxiu for AM.

这次地震的震中果然又一次位于福岛核电站的附近。The quake's epicenter is, again, right near the nuclear power complex.

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震中在风景如画建于中世纪的炮台山镇拉奎拉。The epicenter was in L'Aquila, a picturesque, medi, fortress hill town.

潜在震源区是未来可能的震中集合体。Potential sources are the aggregates of probable epicenters in the future.

某地与震中的距离叫震中距。With a certain distance from the epicenter of the call from the epicenter.

震源深度20公里,震中位于缅甸同老挝和泰国的交界处,目前已造成至少10人死亡。The epicenter, with a depth of 20.00 km, is close to Thai and Laotian borders.

小震群的震中分布与安宁河东支断裂和库水位有关。The seismicity is statistically relative to the level of water of the reservoir.

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这一信息比仅仅确定震中的位置要有价值得多。This information is much more valuable than merely pinpointing the quake epicenter.

他来自四川省的绵阳市,位于地震震中的东北方向。He is from the city of Mianyang in Sichuan, northeast of the earthquake’s epicenter.

震中位于伊朗境内,然而却将边境两侧住宅及办公室都夷为平地。It was centered in Iran yet it flattened homes and offices on both sides of the border.

震中位于马诺夸里西北76公里处海域,震源深度为10公里。The quake centered at the northwest sea area 76 km from Manokwari and a depth of 10 km.

根据美国地质勘探局报告,这次的震中位于尤里卡西北偏西方向47英里。The earthquake's epicenter was 47 miles west-northwest of Eureka, according to the U. S.

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有大量的滑坡,地面裂缝,整个震中地区。There were large numbers of landslides and ground cracks throughout the epicentral area.

通往震中汶川的道路被震落的碎石堵住了。Roads to Wenchuan Conuty, epicenter of the quake, were blocked by fallen rocks and debris.

通往震中汶川的道路被震落的碎石堵住了。Roads to Wenchuan County, epicenter of the quake, were blocked by fallen rocks and debris.