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公众外交在中国勃然兴起。Public diplomacy is thriving in China.

没有你的日子就像一本没有书页的书,勃然无味。Every day without you like a book without pages.

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每当有人拿她的身高开玩笑时,莉莉就勃然发怒。Whenever anyone teased Lily about her height, she saw red.

可是我有害怕见到她让自己的心再起勃然。But I fear there is to see her again so that their hearts agitatedly.

眼见这不可遏止的悲恸勃然爆发,埃莉诺不可能保持沉默了。Elinor could no longer witness this torrent of unresisted grief in silence.

雨停了,回乡下一趟,发觉春天已勃然觉醒。Rain stopped, I go back the country, found that spring had waken up widely.

这个组合很容易勃然盛怒从而爆发战争。Temper tantrums are quite likely to erupt into major wars with this combination.

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原始森林郁郁葱葱,到处散发着勃然生机。The primitive forest is lush and green, with a sense of vitality everywhere around it.

雨季以后,绿茵茵的新草勃然生长,所有枯草上的昆虫似乎消失了。After the rainy season, the new green grasses spring up. All the withered-grass insects seem to disappear.

他的被穷苦弄麻木了的老心里勃然又生出来新的希望来了。In Old Tong Bao's heart, numbed wooden by a lifetime of poverty and hardship, suddenly hope began to stir again.

毫无疑问,广告公司一定很像测出人们的心率,尤其是想把广告设计的能够让人勃然一动。Advertising firms will, no doubt, be just as keen to measure heartbeats, especially for ads designed to get pulses racing.

本文还试图从民族主义再次勃然兴起的背景入手,提出重新向民族传统与文化回归是对抗媒介帝国主义的一种可能路径。This paper also tries to point out that national tradition and culture is a tentative means to fight against the media imperialism.

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90年代以后中国文化史发展的新趋势,是社会文化史研究的勃然兴起。The new trend of the progress of Chinese cultural history since 1990s is the rise of the research on the history of societal culture.

终于,谢思潇心中不服输的力量勃然爆发,她一个肘击成功摆脱了王星的钳制,将他拖上了岸边。Finally, Xie Sixiao indomitable strength was furious broke out in the heart, one elbow on her success out of wangs rein, dragged him to the shore.

过去的十余年间,由于伊斯兰复兴运动勃然兴起,伊斯兰原教旨主义成为中东地区举足轻重的社会力量。In the past decade, with the rising tide of the Islamic Resurgent Movement, the Islamic fundamentalism has become a very important social power in the region.

本文从政治经济学角度对“圈地之风”进行了定性分析,探讨了“圈地之风”勃然兴起的根源,并提出了治理“圈地之风”的若干举措。From the angle of plutonomy, the article analyzes the nature of the wind of enclosing land, researches into the origin and puts forward some renovation countermeasure.

融合了当今世界先进的氨基酸制造技术和管理模式,以勃然的生机和活力,形成了独特的企业优势。Owing to its integration of advanced manufacturing technique and efficient management, the company with exuberant vigor and vitality gained a unique advantage in amino acid production.

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两千年来,庄禅思想作为民族传统文化根性之一从来不曾在中国文人思想意识中泯灭,在新时期文学作家身上庄禅文化思潮又一次勃然兴发。For two thousands years, as an ultimate constituent of the Chinese traditional culture, the spirits of Zhuangzi and Zen have never really died out in the mentality of Chinese men of letters.