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梅曾亮一生主要是读书、教书、为官京师,成就在文学不在事功。And his main accomplishment is in literature instead of being an officer.

本文首次揭橥事功话语在秦史中的特殊意义。The paper reveals first time the discourse of feat in the history of Qin Dynasty.

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这世界最重要的企业,它的目的就是建成一个人,其事功辉煌而又广阔。The main enterprise of the world for splendor, for extent, is the upbuilding of a man.

德性是道德心性修养的根据,智性是外在事功的依据。Virtue is the base of moral self-cultivation, and intellectual is the base of external utilitarian.

因为,一个人生命自体的真实呈露,只有在对摆脱社会事功疯狂的速度追逐后方有可能。Because, a person oneself life reveal, only the possibility as extricate the chase by crazy speed of the society.

要理解所有关于时间的事功和作用,必须从对于在场的期许和希望开始解释,将这种希望作为一个原初的事实接受。To understand the mystery of the work of time, we should start with the hope for the present, taken as a primary fact.

特别当你的事情很费时间,比方从医、从事功令工作或是做企业家,这一条就加倍主要。This is especially true if you're working in any kind of time-demanding field, such as medicine, law or entrepreneurship.

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叶适思想体系中的法律思想有其独特之处,主要表现出对事功思想和哲学思想具有较大的依附性。The law thought in his ideological system has its uniqueness. It shows great reliance on utilitarianism and philosophic thought.

周作人用性意识的觉醒来解释成文缘由,其中事功的意图很明显。Obviously Zhou Zuoren uses the awakening of natural consciousness to explain the existing writing reason with matter merit intention.

湖南士人事功视野中的天下意识、政治自觉和义贞独立之精神对湖湘古文产生了极大影响。The Hunan literati had heaven and political consciousness and independent spirits that gave heavy influence on their classical Chinese prose.

韩非主张以言为标准,来衡量事功,提出事当其言,要以法律为准绳。Han Fei advocated the statement as a standard to measure Utilitarianism, the matter raised when his words, we should take the law as the yardstick.

在价值原则上,给予富国强兵最高的地位,倡导崇力尚功,强调“法”与事功精神的统一。On the value of principle, for enriching the national power is the highest position, advocated worship, emphasizes the unity of the spirit of law and feats.

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而陈、吕后来皆悔其少作,体现了永嘉事功之学与科举虚文的深刻矛盾。Chen, Lu both criticized "Yongjia Literary Form" later, which reflected the conflict between the appearance of examination and the utilitarianism of Zhedong-school.

发掘埋伏于生活里的妙想,以生活的亲情把事功化为游戏,是香港青年艺术家开始倾向的艺术工作策略。For the new generation, transforming regulated life through the intimacy of the everyday, and excavate hidden wit and inspiration in the mundane have become a widely accepted strategy.

南宋爱国学者陈亮的教育思想如同其经济思想、哲学思想,同样带有浓厚的事功主义倾向,对当代教育也有一定启迪。Southern Song dynasty patriotic scholar Chen Liang's educational ideas, just like his economic and military ones, has utilitarian characters which has a great im-pact on the current education.