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同着数不尽的奴隶的凄苦。Along with innumerable servile miseries.

唯潸潸泪滴,凄苦的标识!But heavy tears, badges of either's woe.

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经历此事之后,他变成了一个凄苦的人。The experience has turned him into a sad man.

爱,是比一个人生活更精彩又更凄苦的事情。Love, is something more wonderful and bitterer than living by oneself.

她就这样一年一年地坐在那里,感受着世间的凄苦与不幸。Thus she sat year after year, and felt the pain and the misery of the world.

优美的抒情与凄苦的咏叹构成了永远的“交响”。Elegant emotional expression and miserable chants constitute "everlasting symphony".

他宁愿把孩子送人,也不愿让孩子跟他过凄苦的日子。He would rather have his children adopted by others than have them lead a miserable life with him.

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工诗词,其词多表达国破家亡之凄苦。Labor poetry, the words express the country seen their homes destroyed more than the miserable death.

我的梦怎么会让他如此疯狂?我不忍再看他凄苦的样子,下楼去了。How could my dream have produced such madness?I could not watch his suffering any more, and went downstairs.

花园门打开了,湿树叶的气味飘进来,潇潇雨声同尤金悲凉凄苦的歌声交织在一起。The garden door is open and the odor of wet leaves sops in and the rain blends with Eugene's angoisse and tristesse.

只要心中的信念没有萎缩,只要自己的季节没有严冬,即使风凄苦雨又奈我何?As long as the heart of faith does not shrink, as long as their season no winter, even the wind and the rain qiku naiwo?

对于幸存者,他们的经历更为凄苦,中国劳工在休战后没有法律约束的几个月内被指责参与了多起犯罪活动。The story ended bitterly for survivors, too. The Chinese were blamed for many crimes in the lawless months after the Armistice.

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罗宾逊的诗歌事业开始的时候,他也过着清贫凄苦和默默无闻的生活。His poetry career also began in poverty and obscurity. His unfortunate life experience made the themes of his poems tragic and pessimistic.

若把友谊的大门关闭,你就会像荒漠中的小草一样寂寞,比失群的孤雁还要凄苦。If the door of friendship is shut, you will feel lonely like a blade of grass in wilderness and you will be poorer than a solitary wild goose.

当我漫步于一道小溪发源处的草地之上,那太阳,终于在一个凄苦的寒天之后、暮夕之前,突于天际骤放澄明。I was walking in a meadow, the source of a small brook, when the sun, just before setting, after a cold gray day, reached a clear stratum in the horizon.

欺负者们浑身冒着忿怒、凄苦、仇恨和气愤,并往往会把广泛偏见做为他们把自己的愤怒发泄到其他人身上的媒介。Bullies are seething with resentment, bitterness, hatred and anger, and often have wide-ranging prejudices as a vehicle for dumping their anger onto others.

在这些诗歌中,诗人经常运用云月意象来表达自己常年漂泊、沦落他乡的凄苦的心境,又运用鹤泉意象营造清幽的环境来慰藉自己。He express his bitter feelings with moon or cloud because he always away from home, He console himself with quiet environment where there is crane and spring.

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我和一禾谈过这一点,我们认为,因为没有仇恨,海子的内心注定了要忍受常人难以体味的凄苦。I had talked about this with Yihe, we thought, because of without hate, Haizi's heart was destined to bear the grievous bitter that ordinary person hardly perceived.

凄苦的火地岛,如我们所看到的,在那和平相处的群体的男女们的婚姻中,有着这种习俗的修正的或象征性的形式。The abject Fuegians, as we have seen, have the practice in a modified or symbolized form in the marriages of men and women belonging to groups at peace with one another.

他们使用学术工具打造并欣然贡献出的这些充满个人情感的学术遗产,甚至使巴贝奇那老迈凄苦的形象也顿时拔高而显得和蔼可亲。This volume offers them up delightfully, complete with scholarly apparatus and enough personal affection to make even the older and embittered figure of Babbage sympathetic.