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旗帜在每根旗杆上飘扬。Flags were flying on every mast.

旗杆向南倾斜。The flagpole leans to the south.

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狂风把旗杆吹倒了。The gale blew down the flagstaff.

要我为您执旗杆吗?Shall I hold the flagstick for you?

在薄雾中隐隐可见一根旗杆。A flagpole loomed up through the mist.

照片上的旗杆削减。The flagpole cuts across the photograph.

大门顶部有一旗杆。The gate was surmounted with a flag-pole.

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旗杆直竖在地面上。The ground was horizontal to the flagpole.

说完,他把旗杆插回原处,然后走开了。Then he replaced the pole and walked away.

海军陆战队放置在地面的旗杆。The Marines placed the flagpole in the ground.

一名球员的球停靠在了旗杆旁边。A players ball is resting against the flagstick.

草场中心有一根旗杆。There is a flagstaff in the centre of the field.

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纳米比亚的新国旗升到了旗杆顶上。The new Namibian flag was hoisted up the flagpole.

保尔近穴击球,球落在了果岭靠近旗杆处。Paul chips approach shot onto green and close to flag.

威廉·退尔从旗杆旁走过,高昂着头。William Tell walked past the pole, his head held high.

人群围着旗杆上飘扬的布龙欢闹。A cloth dragon swayed on poles amidst a cheering crowd.

那就是说,我们纳税人的钱又用来制造特殊旗杆了?So our taxer' dollars went to work reinventing the flagpole?

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大多数的建筑物都有悬挂着国旗的旗杆。Most buildings had a flagpole with the national colours flying.

旗杆倒下了,必须用起重机将它扶直。The flagpole toppled over and a crane had to be used to erect it.

一名正准备推杆的球员让他的球童照料旗杆。A player preparing to putt asks his caddie to attend the flagstick.