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他沿街飞驰而去。He flew down the street.

他沿街急行。He speeded down the street.

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她沿街疾驶。She barreled down the street.

他推着手推车沿街卖鱼。He peddled fish from a pushcart.

那男孩沿街飞奔而去。The boy speeded down the street.

我看见他沿街跑去了。I asw him running down the street.

我看他沿街跑下去了。I saw him running down the street.

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亚利桑那州,太阳城,沿街房屋Tract Housing in Sun City, Arizona

你认识那个沿街叫卖的人吗?Do you know the man who is higgling?

你认识那个沿街叫卖的人吗?。Do you know the man who is higgling?

他驾车沿街飞驰。He bucketed his car down the street.

救护车丁当地沿街而过。The ambulance clanged down the street.

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许多沿街叫卖的小贩会讲普通话。Many street vendors can speak Mandarin.

那个老男人沿街步行。The old man went down the road on foot.

的人沿街踉跄而行。A drunken man shambled along the street.

一个喝醉酒的人沿街踉跄而行。The drunken man lurched along toward me.

小贩沿街叫卖货物。Peddlers cried their wares in the streets.

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那个醉汉歪歪倒倒地沿街走去。The drunken man zigzagged down the street.

精心装饰的出殡汽车沿街排列著。Elaborate funeral cars stood along the curb.

他们沦落到沿街乞讨。They were reduced to begging in the streets.