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就从1953年那个热天开始,它就与我形影相随了。From that hot day in 1953, he became my shadow.

高失业率和高犯罪率经常形影相随。High unemployment and high crime often go hand in hand.

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教育批评从来都和教育形影相随。Educational criticism connects with education all along.

沮丧是失望的表亲,他们总是形影相随。Disappointment’s cousin is frustration, the second storm.

成就和冷静是形影相随的,马丁如是说。Achievement and calmness follow each other says Mr Martin.

他不让任何人看到它,如对待朋友一样形影相随。Not to show anyone, but just to have it with him like a friend.

第一个妻子则是人的心,和我们形影相随,生死不离。The first wife is man's heart and we shadow, life and death everywhere.

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不管怎样,她立即就会明白,无论她到哪里,他都会与她形影相随。At any rate she would understand atonce that, wherever she went, he was going.

学科文化与学科建设、学科发展之间有形影相随的相互关系。A close correlation exists between discipline culture and discipline construction.

她不会徘徊不定,无论何时何地,都与你形影相随。Purpose does not linger, but moves steadily along with you, whatever you do and wherever you go.

客户的满意是企业生存之本,产品服务形影相随。Customer satisfaction is the enterprise survival, products and services in northwestern hand in hand.

委婉语最初是与和宗教迷信有关的禁忌语形影相随的。Euphemistic expressions are originally used to replace taboos related to religions and superstitions.

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在整个克隆人战争期间,欧比万和阿纳金常常形影相随,被一同调往各地前线。Throughout the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin were rarely far apart, being dispatched as a team to various battlefronts.

烦人的政治争斗与德国战后重建形影相随,本图中发生于汉堡市西区的场景即为一例。German reconstruction has led to someodd political battles, like the one pictured here in the Westend quarter of Hamburg.

在这种组织形式的快速发展的同时,管理控制问题始终与之形影相随。With the rapid development of this organizational form, the management control issue has always been hand in hand with Shadow.

1987年,我从Battersea狗狗之家买Charlie时它才八周大,它慢慢地成了我世界中的一部分——我们形影相随。I'd bought Charlie as an eight-week-old puppy from Battersea dogs' home in 1987 and she became my world – we went everywhere together.

成群的小鲦鱼悠悠游过,每一条都投下纤细的瘦影,形影相随,在阳光照映下,亮晃晃的,那么耀眼。A school of minnows swam by, each minnow with its small, individual shadow, doubling the attendance, so clear and sharp in the sunlight.

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李白一生与剑形影相随,诗中多次歌咏剑侠精神,反复抒发自己的侠义豪情。Libai s life is inseparable from sword and the spirit of swordsman is often chanted in his poem to reflect his justice and lofty sentiments.

由体虱传播的流行性斑疹伤寒是最严重的一型,为人类史上的一大灾难,与拥挤、肮脏的人们形影相随。Epidemic typhus spread by the body louse is the most severe. it is one of the great scourges of history associated with crowded filthy conditions.

由体虱传播的流行性斑疹伤寒是最严重的一型,为人类史上的一大灾难,与拥挤、肮脏的人们形影相随。Epidemic typhus, spread by the Body louse , is the most severe. It is one of the great scourges of history, associated with crowded, filthy conditions.