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他是个无情无义的人。He is a man without a soul.

你们当真是无情无义的人吗!You are really harsh right person!

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啊,地心引力,你是一个无情无义的婊子。Ah gravity, thou are a heartless bitch.

啊,安琪尔呀,为什么你待我这样无情无义啊!O why have you treated me so monstrously, Angel!

无情无义的爱情由义务形成,而没有亲密和激情。Empty love consists of the commitment component without intimacy or passion.

这会让公司落得个无情无义、没有道德原则的名声。This would project the company as very ruthless and without moral principles.

难道就是因为我一贫如洗,长相平庸,个子瘦小就没有灵魂,无情无义吗?Do you think that because I am poor, obscure, plain and little that I am soulless and heartless?

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相处期间,董林因琐事与李母产生摩擦,认为李母“太无情无义”,遂起杀机。Live, Dong Lin Li mother of a trivial matter, and create friction that Li mother "too harsh", then from here.

我的一位出版商告诉我,我已经给予人们许可证,在没有被贴上无情无义或漠不关心的标签的情况下,对这些议题表示怀疑。One of my publishers told me that I've given people license to question these issues without being labeled heartless or uncaring.

吕布无情无义无爱,嗜争斗为命,四处挑起战争,但一直未逢敌手。Lv Bu is ruthless without love, combat of be addicted to is a life, instigate everywhere war, but did not meet all the time adversary.

但是这样无情无义的人,其实才是真可怜悯者,更需要人好好教化!Such behavior really makes one's blood run cold. Actually, such a person, who lacks feeling and conscience, is truly pitiful and in need of teaching.

只有有能力做到成为一个无情无义、抛弃所有道德陈规、人情包袱者,才具备出家修行的条件。When you become an indifferent and apathy man who can cast off all moral regulations, relations of family and kin, you thus can consider being a monk.

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在如此的乱世里,看够了虚情假意,看多了无情无义,只是如此的故事,为彼此的心,蒙上了悲伤的情绪。In such troubled times, seen enough false display of affection, more show ingratitude for favours, just so stories, as each other's heart, cast a sad mood.

这位绅士在印度体会到了真情,在他见识到中国人的铁石心肠和无情无义之后会再次回到印度。This gentleman has learned emotions in India and would again come back to India after understanding the fact about heart and mind of Chinese which is hardened and may be termed as no emotions.