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但大中报至截稿时止,未曾收到唐的答复。Chinese News has received no response from Tang as of the time of publication.

大中报在今年5月份对他进行采访时,Chang表示,他在找工作时每周都寄出20到30份简历。When Chinese News interviewed him in May 2011, he was sending "between 20 and 30" resumes per week.

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当大中报近期试图联络他以便跟进采访时,他的电话号码却打不通了。When Chinese News tried contacting Chang recently for a follow-up story, his number had been disconnected.

大中报于本周四联系了唐的公司,要求对该通知和命令进行电话采访。Chinese News contacted Tang's office on Thursday requesting for a phone interview on the notice and the order.

美元兑印度卢比盘中报52.48印度卢比,而此前的纪录低点为2009年3月3日创下的52.1950印度卢比。The dollar was quoting at INR52.48 at 0339 GMT, compared with its previous record low of INR52.1950 on March 3, 2009.

不过让人稍见欣喜的是,即使中报业绩比较糟糕,但与一季度相比还是大有长进。But people seemed to appreciate that, even if relatively poor performance is reported, but with a quarter or a great progress.

宪法和法律中规定的各种公民权利,同人们在现实生活中报享受的权利是一致的。The various civic rights prescribed in the Constitution and other state laws are in accord with what people enjoy in real life.

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周四的抗议之后清晨突击佛教寺院中报士兵殴打僧侣和逮捕了100多名。Thursday's protests followed early morning raids on Buddhist monasteries during which soldiers reportedly beat up monks and arrested more than 100.

几分钟后,1号机内的12名海豹队员恢复了正常并冷静地在无线电中报告他们正继续进行突袭。After a few minutes the twelve SEALs inside helo one recovered their bearings and calmly relayed on the radio that they were proceeding with the raid.

最近遇到中报时刻,很多机构趁势拉抬股价,暗中猫腻---这也是中国股市的又一显著特色。Many agencies are using the interim report to lift up the related stocks, this is obvious tricky. But our regulators is intended to be blind about this.

本文证实公司业绩组合和信息操作对中报披露和预约披露的及时性有着显著的影响。It is found that performance combination and information manipulation have left a marked impact on the timely disclosure of interim reports and pre-announcement.

网络中报文和响应的交换过程,一次交换通常包括对信息的一次请求和对提供信息的一次响应。In a network, the exchange of messages and responses , with one exchange usually involving a request for information and a response that provides the information.

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现在的问题是,“太亚洲化?”一文是否符合新闻工作者所要遵循的,也是大中报所崇尚的在报道中要做到“准确、公平和平衡”?The question now is, does the article "Too Asian?" meet the journalistic standard—a standard which is also advocated by Chinese News—of accuracy, fairness and balance?

投标人应在投标价格表中报出技术规范中所列的随机备品配件、专用工具及仪器的单价。In the tender price sheet, tenderers shall include the unit prices of the random parts and components, special tools and instrumentations that are listed in the Technical Specifications.

投标人应在投标价格表中报出技术规范中所列的随机备品配件、专用工具及仪器的单价。In the tender price sheet, tenderers shall include the unit prices of the attached parts and components, special tools and instrumentations that are listed in the Technical Specifications.