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把自己家的猫眼反装。Reverse the cat's-eye in your own door.

在黑暗中猫眼睁大了。The cat's eyes dilated in the darkness.

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宽椭圆形和圆滑的猫眼款可以起到收敛圆脸的效果。Wide ovals and sleek cat-eye styles work to diminish fullness.

仔细观赏并可确信所画的是中午的牡丹,原来画面中的猫眼有“竖线”可见。It can be confirmed that it is the peony in noon on the painting.

猫眼光栏的方形光孔成象太大。The quadratic aperture of the cat's-eye diaphragm is imaged too large.

并对软玉猫眼的热相变反应机制进行了探讨。The mechanism of thermal transformation for nephrite cat's eye are discussed.

现在我终于明白如何正确命名内嵌在高速公路上的猫眼了!And now I know what the proper name is for the cats eyes that are embedded in the freeway!

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那大大小小、形态各异的小石头,白得像珍珠,红得像玛瑙,绿得像猫眼。It greatly small, various forms of small stone, white as pearl, red like agate, green like cat's eye.

后来罗斯发现瑞秋在同马克约会,就从钱德家的猫眼监视他们。Later, Ross finds out Rachel is going on a date with Mark and spies on them through Chandler's peep-hole.

后来罗斯发现瑞秋在同马克约会,就从钱德家的猫眼监视他们。Later, Ross finds out Rachel is going on a date with Mark and spies on them through Chandler"s peep-hole."

最刺激的是给它们戴上非常小的颈圈摄像头,让观看视频的人可以通过猫眼看世界。The most adventurous were given tiny collar-cameras to wear, offering viewers a cats-eye view of the world.

猫眼形框架或者方形框架都可以将人们的注意力吸引到你的眼周区而使你窄小的下巴略显得宽一些哦。Cat style frames rectangular shaped frames will widen the narrow chin, by drawing attention up to the eye area.

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通过分析“猫眼效应”的原理,论述了“猫眼效应”在侦察识别光学目标中的应用。According to the applications of "cat's eye effect" to reconnoitering and discerning optical target are reviewed.

从理论上分析了猫眼效应产生的机理,并将理论计算结果与实验结果进行了比较。The cateye effect is theoretically analysed, and the experimental results are compared with the theoretical ones.

结果表明,猫眼的误差对测量精度影响较大,因此要求猫眼精度要高。The results show that the cat eye"s error greatly affects the measuring result, so a high-accuracy cat eye is required."

哈勃望远镜拍到的这张“猫眼状星云”是当前所知最复杂的“行星星云”之一。This Hubble Space Telescope image reveals "The Cat's Eye Nebula" to be one of the most complex "planetary nebulae" known.

文章提出对目标采用基于“猫眼效应”的激光主动探测技术进行探测。In the paper, the technology of laser active detection based on the 'cat's eys' effect is used to detect targets was given.

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克罗斯夫妇表示,这项实验不仅让他们看到了猫眼里的世界,而且帮助他们更多地了解了自己的宠物。The Crosses say the experiment has let them take a glimpse into a cat's world, but also helped them learn more about their pet.

从猫眼的球度误差、材料折射率误差和光学中心误差几个方面对猫眼产生的光学误差进行了分析。Then, the error produced by sphericity error, material refractive rate error and optical center error of cat eye are discussed.

通过数值仿真和实验的方法,分析猫眼回波强度与离焦量和探测光束参数关系。By numerical simulation and experiment, the relationships of cat-eye echo, focal shift and detection beam parameters are analyzed.