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但proclivity本身又具有倾向性。But there is a tone to proclivity too.

像他们一样,我没有选择自己性爱的倾向性。Like them, I didn't choose my preference.

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周边性病变没有肺叶的发病倾向性。Peripheral lesions have no lobar predilection.

这就引出了新闻的倾向性问题。This has drawn out the news tendentious question.

我们将带着一种理论的倾向性来阅读本周的内容。We're going to be reading it with a theoretical spin.

其中个性倾向性是其一个主要的方面。And the individuality tendentiousness is its main aspect.

首先,我必须说明,我是有倾向性的,我喜欢咖啡。First, I must disclose that I'm biased. I love my caffeine.

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这篇文章的倾向性太强,没有多大参考价值。This article is too one-sided, not much worth in the long run.

如果你提出的研究问题带有倾向性,答案亦不例外。If the research questions you ask are biased, so are the answers.

这种有倾向性的说法可能招致强烈的反对。Such tendentious statements are likely to provoke strong opposition.

显示生活的言行都是带有情绪化和倾向性的。Display the words and deeds are living with emotional and tendentious.

是否存在某一人体基因,影响着我们维持单配偶关系的倾向性呢?Is there a human gene affecting our propensity to bond with a single mate?

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在场依存学习风格方面,三年级学生比一二年级学生倾向性更强。Juniors are more likely to be field-dependent than freshmen and sophomores.

这首诗根本显示出倾向性信息给那些对外仇恨加油加料。The point of this "poem" was to show how slanted information fuels xenophobia.

新闻倾向性的内涵是一个颇有争议的问题。The connotation of the tendentiousness of news is a widely controversial issue.

教师案例研究具有主体性、情境性、倾向性、内驱性等特点。It is characterized with entity, situation, tendentiousness, and internal drives.

他们的假设是观众的规模和倾向性会给裁判施加压力。Their hypothesis is that crowd size and partisanship impose pressures on referees.

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最后,本文对两书思想倾向性之不同产生的原因进行了分析。Finally, this book on two different ideological inclination of the causes analysed.

所以,政府必定是有倾向性的,于是人们才分成了互相敌对的阵营。So government necessarily plays favorites, which divides people into opposing camps.

作为政府的权力机构,作出如此充满倾向性的表态,显然有失公允。As a government authority, so full of tendentious statement clearly lacking in balance.