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这是一个战争前奏?Is this a prelude to War ?

但所有的这些不过是前奏。Yet it was all simply prelude.

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前奏与后奏首尾呼应。The prelude and coda echo from beginning to end.

这是全曲的前奏及尾声。This is the full song with the intro and ending.

这次决议只是更激烈的步骤的前奏。The resolution was a prelude to more drastic actions.

沉沉的黑夜都是白天的前奏。All of deeply dark nights are the preludes of daytimes.

修宪是解决问题还是更多纷争的前奏?A constitutional settlement—or a prelude to more trouble?

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这一偶然事务成了一项重大科学发明的前奏。The accident was the preface to a great scientific discovery.

认罪是赞美祷告强有力的前奏。Confession is a powerful prelude to a prayer of thanks-giving.

然而暴风雨的第一声前奏并非雷声隆隆,而是一记敲门声。The first hint of the storm is not a thunderclap, but a knock.

积极思考是每个伟大成功故事的前奏。Positive thinking is at the forefront of every great success story.

斗牛表演的前奏既五彩纷呈又热闹异常,每个演员都列队出场。The beginning of the fight was colorful and festive. Everyone paraded1 out.

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为什么我们都习惯于把工作生涯看作是通往退休的前奏?Why are we conditioned to view the working life as the precedent to retirement?

音乐引子或前奏,也同时是独立的钢琴短曲。Music which precedes something else. Also a self contained short piece for piano.

错误往往是正确的先导,骄傲是跌跤的前奏。Error is often the precursor of what is correct, but conceit is the prelude to a fall.

韩氏家族在晋国成长的历程,是韩国建立的前奏。Han's family in Jinguo Cheng-long course is a prelude to the establishment of South Korea.

你不喜欢蜻蜓点水式的接吻,相反,你总是喜欢将接吻作为前奏以做的更多。You do not take kissing lightly, and tend to hope it will lead to more touching and sharing.

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这可能就是刚刚开始膨胀的愤怒和醒悟的前奏。This one could be a prelude to the anger and disillusionment that is only beginning to swell.

人权观察表示,禁止被捕人员与外界接触往往是刑事起诉的前奏。Incommunicado arrests are often the prelude to criminal prosecutions, Human Rights Watch said.

自由国家共同努力推动民主是我们的敌人走向失败的前奏。The concerted effort of free nations to promote democracy is a prelude to our enemies‘ defeat.