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起初她婉言拒绝。At first she declined.

起初,我在脑海中掘开了一个坟墓。Mentally I dug a grave.

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起初,我以为我能做到。At first, I thought I could.

起初您可能会这样认为。You might think so at first.

起初,许多用户都很讨厌它。At first, many users hated it.

起初,风微微地吹着。At first, the wind blew gently.

起初,这一方案似能运作。At first the scheme seemed to work.

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起初,他也许会大发雷霆,心烦意乱。He may be angry and upset at first.

起初,站立时,一条后腿会腿软。One rear leg will flex while standing.

起初,托勒以为这不过是个玩笑而已。Towler at first thought it was a joke.

起初我们真是满心的不愿意,嘿!At first we were reluctant to dress-up.

起初,驴子绝望地叫个不停。At first, the donkey cried desperately.

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起初“闽”的意思是蛇。Originally, the word "Min" meant snake.

起初他对她的外国作风嗤之以鼻。At first he sniffed at her foreign ways.

起初是想叫约翰去学当律师。John was originally destined to the bar.

大卫的父母起初想叫他去学当律师。David was originally destined to the bar.

起初,你会觉得这样令人惊惶不安。You may find this disconcerting at first.

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“起初我还以为是手套,”济丹说。“At first I thought glove, ” Gelton says.

起初这是罗伯特李将军的庄园。Originally the estate of General Robert E.

起初,他们对改革的号召加以抵制。At first they resisted the call for reform.